The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has partnered with the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) to provide reliable references, thorough explanations, and case-based guidance so you can form your conscience with Catholic teaching when making health care decisions.

The NCBC’s Mission and Vision

Our society faces unprecedented scientific developments that touch upon the mysteries of life and pose serious ethical challenges. The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) was established in 1972 to reflect on these issues and to promote and safeguard the dignity of the human person in health care and the life sciences. All of the NCBC’s work is done in conformity with the official teachings of the Catholic Church, teachings drawn from a moral tradition that acknowledges the unity of faith and reason and builds on the solid foundation of the natural law. The NCBC works to achieve its mission of upholding the dignity of the human person by providing education, guidance, and resources to strengthen the integrity and witness of the Church’s healing ministry.

The NCBC’s education draws on the deepest resources of the Catholic faith to help people address challenging ethical issues in clinical practice and research. Notably, since 1980, we have hosted a workshop on pressing issues and developments in the area of medical morality, which is attended by over one hundred bishops from across North America. The Center has always enjoyed the strong support of a large number of bishops. Today, a majority of US dioceses, and numerous foreign dioceses, receive the benefits of their affiliation with the NCBC.

The NCBC’s guidance helps individuals and institutions apply Catholic moral principles to specific situations with integrity. Perhaps most significant, our ethicists also are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide bioethical guidance, free of charge, to patients and families facing difficult medical decisions. The NCBC also is a leading publisher of books and articles on Catholic health care ethics and produces a wide range of electronic resources for professionals and the public.

The NCBC envisions a world in which the integral understanding of the human person underlying Catholic teaching on respect for human life and dignity is better understood and more widely embraced in America and worldwide.

End-of-life Guides

  • A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions explains core concepts in medical decision-making, including redemptive suffering, ordinary and extraordinary means, and advance care planning. The guide also includes templates for a health care proxy and a living will.
  • A Catholic Guide to POLST provide guidance for filling out documents that patients can use to document their treatment preferences across multiple health care setting, including benefits and concerns with common forms. The guide also includes a template physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST).
  • A Catholic Guide to Palliative Care and Hospice describes the differences between palliative care and hospice and identifies common moral issues that can arise when receiving hospice. The guide also includes a checklist for evaluating programs and facilities.

Free Service: Church Teaching for Health Care Decisions

Contact NCBC for a free, confidential Personal Ethics Consultation on topics including end-of-life care, assisted nourishment, and hospice; avoiding, achieving, or managing pregnancy; biomedical research; cooperating with the wrongdoing of others; and many more.

Monthly Bulletin inserts for Parishes

These are representative samples – if you do not receive them or if you would like to sign up please contact Pro-Life Office at

  • The Bioethics Public Policy Report summarizes legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments on life issues at both the state and federal levels to help Catholics stay informed on all these topics and hold their representatives accountable to their values.
  • Living a Catholic Life fills a gap in adult catechesis by introducing parishioners to different tools for thinking like a Catholic. These include reflections on the components of the moral act, principles like double effect and totality, and larger concepts like the integrated view of the human person.
  • Making Sense of Bioethics, Tad Pacholczyk’s long-running, syndicated column, answers common question on topics ranging from ventilator support to helping friends and family through a difficult pregnancy.


NCBC Website:

The National Catholic Bioethics Center
600 Reed Rd., ste. 102
Broomall, PA 19008


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Special Needs Ministry

To serve and support parishes in facilitating opportunities for a relationship with Christ by ensuring the fullest participation possible in the Catholic faith for all parishioners regardless of ability.— Adopted by the Office of Special Needs Advisory Council July, 2017

If you are interested in learning more please contact Josh Ruoff to talk about the many ways you can be a part of this wonderful and growing ministry.  

Call 913.647.3054 or email

Enflame our Hearts, Homes, Communities

A movement of prayer, caring and sharing across the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas to share God’s merciful love with each person in every place. You’re invited to: Encounter the living Christ in your home, parish, school and organization, Live the Joy of the Gospel in your relationship with God and others, and Serve those in your life, inspired by the Holy Spirit and sharing as a missionary disciple.

Answer your call to Enflame your heart, home and community.

You Are Welcome

Come Follow Me

On the day of the Resurrection, the risen Lord Jesus encountered Cleopas and another disciple on the road to Emmaus. They were weary and downtrodden from their experiences over the last two and a half days.

“At first, they did not recognize Jesus as He began interpreting the scriptures as they referred to Him, starting with Moses and all the prophets. The disciples did not want Jesus to leave and invited Him to stay with them. In sharing a meal, He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread and the disciples said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?'”
–Luke 24:32

Is this not the deepest longing of Christian hearts?

That they might burn with desire for God, with love of the One who loved us into existence, the One who emptied Himself for our sake and the One who gave up His spirit for our salvation?

You Are Welcome

Come Follow Me

On the day of the Resurrection, the risen Lord Jesus encountered Cleopas and another disciple on the road to Emmaus. They were weary and downtrodden from their experiences over the last two and a half days.

“At first, they did not recognize Jesus as He began interpreting the scriptures as they referred to Him, starting with Moses and all the prophets. The disciples did not want Jesus to leave and invited Him to stay with them. In sharing a meal, He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread and the disciples said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?'”
–Luke 24:32

Is this not the deepest longing of Christian hearts?

That they might burn with desire for God, with love of the One who loved us into existence, the One who emptied Himself for our sake and the One who gave up His spirit for our salvation?

Your Call
Is Now

The Church of northeast Kansas longs for more hearts on fire for Jesus Christ. It is our VISION to grow as disciples of Jesus and make disciples for Jesus.

This is also the mission of the universal Church, prompted by the Lord’s words to His apostles: “Go, therefore, and make disciples…”(Mt 28:19). But those who wish to make disciples must first be disciples with hearts on fire for the Lord and his bride, the Church.
The Church of northeast Kansas longs for more hearts on fire for Jesus Christ. It is our VISION to grow as disciples of Jesus and make disciples for Jesus.

This is also the mission of the universal Church, prompted by the Lord’s words to His apostles: “Go, therefore, and make disciples…”(Mt 28:19). But those who wish to make disciples must first be disciples with hearts on fire for the Lord and his bride, the Church.

Your Call
Is Now


Listen in as we discuss the Enflame missionary discipleship work and the core ideas and tools that are a part of getting started.

Part 1:

30min discussion of key ideas

Part 2:

Digging into the tools and living them out


Three short videos that walk through the ideas and tools to get you started or help you continue on your journey

Step 2:
Prayer / Care / Share

Share Your Stories

Archbishop Naumann, along with parish pastors and more than 3,000 other local, lay Church leaders, desire that the people of northeast Kansas have hearts on fire for Jesus Christ. Recognizing the numerous present- day challenges that the Church faces in proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples, the Archbishop calls all the Faithful of this local Church to “build a culture of evangelization across the Archdiocese”

Share Your Stories

Archbishop Naumann, along with parish pastors and more than 3,000 other local, lay Church leaders, desire that the people of northeast Kansas have hearts on fire for Jesus Christ. Recognizing the numerous present- day challenges that the Church faces in proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples, the Archbishop calls all the Faithful of this local Church to “build a culture of evangelization across the Archdiocese”

We are called to share the hope and peace of Christ’s love with others. We are not alone in this work. Consider sharing your story so we can learn from one another and grow in this work as God’s Church!

  • What is working? In your parish groups? At home? With your neighbors?
  • What challenges have you found in sharing?
  • What ideas could you share to support others?

Complete the form below. Please stay on the page until the submission message appears – “Your Share Your Story has been successfully submitted. Thank you.”

Joyful Homes

Joyful Homes aren’t perfect. They’re filled with people striving to respect, forgive and care for each other in their daily lives.

Joyful Homes aren’t perfect. They’re filled with people striving to respect, forgive and care for each other in their daily lives.

Joyful Homes

Resources For Parishes

Some basic tools to encourage your efforts – please share with us other tools that you find helpful. Contact us with your questions and comments as we journey in this work together!

We offer some basic tools to help you. Please share with us other tools that you find helpful or enhancements that you would like to see to the tools that we offer. Please contact us with your questions, comments and share with us the valleys and mountain tops of this challenging work.

Evangelization Hardware Store

Audio For Enflame Our Hearts

Resources For You

The fire of faith is burning in your heart. Thank you for your desire to grow this fire as an active missionary disciple.

Resources For You

Prayer Resources

Prayer is the foundation of any evangelization effort. The work of evangelization is accomplished through grace given by the Father through Jesus Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit. We are the vessel that has God chosen in this time and place to nurture His work in another. We pray and ask the Holy Spirit for divine appointments and then we leave the conversion up to God. Remember that for those who are married and those who have children, spouses and children should have the priority. In addition, priests have a primary responsibility to nurture the relationship of his parishioners with Jesus Christ. However, just as Ambrose was the catalyst for Augustine’s conversion, it can sometimes be easier to evangelize extended family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.

Care Resources

Care may sometimes look like a work of mercy like with the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:29-37) or a listening ear. Both are fundamental to caring and may be a bridge to trust. God meets us where we are, but doesn’t want us to stay where we are so we must do the same for others. People are not projects, so authenticity is important and can soften hearts. We all have a desire to be loved. We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Share Resources

Share is an exchange of stories after having prayed for this person. This is not about convincing someone to believe what you believe, but it includes your witness story of what God has done in your life. This will include both your struggles and joys. It could also be sharing the Gospel message/(Kerygma) when there is an initial trust and that person is spiritually curious. Accompaniment is a 4th action of evangelization that should not be overlooked. This can mean many things, but it is primarily concerned with helping other persons recognize God’s activity in their lives. Often, one is not aware of God drawing them into a personal relationship and it is helpful to humbly point out that God is showing them He loves them when they ask questions about certain teachings. The more one becomes aware of and experiences God’s personal care and activity in his or her life, the more one is encouraged to move forward. This encouragement opens the person’s heart of God to do new things for him.

Subscribe to our Monthly Email Update for Inspiring Content and Transformational Resources

Mission Statement

Joyfully serve Archbishop Naumann, pastors, parishes, ministries, parishioners and each other with a spirit of hospitality, prayer, formation and service. 

ReachKCK has a mission to spread the Good News of Christ through outreach, personal relationship, and invitation to the teens of Wyandotte County, Kansas. 

Online Giving Forms

Thanks for your interest in supporting our ministries!

When giving to the Archbishop’s Call to Share annual appeal you support the work of more than 43 ministries and programs in our Archdiocese, transforming the lives of thousands of people.  Together we can put our faith into action.  Together, we can do more than any one parish or person can do.  Blessed are you!  Learn more.

The campaign has four key priorities:  enlivening local parishes and parish schools, caring for retired priests, providing high quality health services in a Catholic setting for our seniors and improvements to Savior Pastoral Center.  Your support will impact people’s lives in your parish and throughout our archdiocese for generations.

people old and young hand holding with sunlight. concept power of hope

Other Ways to Give

I am interested in giving from my

Our mission is to connect youth and families to Christ

Home to Camp Kateri Tekakwitha and some of the richest Catholic retreat programming in the Midwest, Prairie Star Ranch serves as a ministry of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

We understand how important it is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, and as such, Prairie Star Ranch exists to help parishes and communities in that crucial work.




Craft your retreat experience

Here to serve, Prairie Star Ranch has the team and the resources to help you create a grace-filled retreat experience for you, your family, and your parish.


Adventure Catechesis

We want to help youth, families, educators, and parishes bring about conversion in the hearts of those we serve, and we do so by guiding our guests to see their story as part of the great Christian narrative of salvation.

Learn more…



Prairie Star Ranch

1124 California Road
Williamsburg, KS 66095

Camp Tekakwitha

Summertime: 785-746-5693
School year: 913-647-0373
Fax: 785-746-0032

The humanizing character [of NFP methods] is all the more obvious from the fact that using them requires and strengthens the harmony of the married couple, it helps and confirms the rediscovery of the marvellous gift of parenthood, it involves respect for nature and demands the responsibility of the individuals. According to many authoritative opinions, they also foster more completely that human ecology which is the harmony between the demands of nature and personal behaviour.

Pope St. John Paul II, Address to NFP Teachers, 7 December 1996

Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas


The Office of Evangelization for Adult and Young Adult Ministry serves in support of priests, parishes and lay leaders by encouraging individual prayer, providing formation for missionary discipleship and sharing best practices of proclaiming the Gospel in the modern world.

Get Involved

Are you interested in deepening your knowledge of Christ and the Church? Learn more about Christ’s love for you and your purpose

Called & Gifted

Discover God’s Call for Your Life Called & Gifted supports you as you discern your spiritual gifts and God’s call for your life.


Join the US Bishops for a three-year grassroots revival of devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Enflame our Hearts, Homes, and Communities

What is your mission? What does it mean to be on mission? We are called to share in this great work of missionary discipleship.


We are all called to GROW in relationship with Christ and our neighbors. The best way to do this is together. Find resources to help accelerate your growth and enrich your journey.

Fr. Dan Morris,
Vocation Director

Contact the Vocation Office:
(913) 647-0303

 Christ’s Peace House of Prayer, an Archdiocesan retreat center, is located on 120 acres of rolling pastures and timberland in Easton, Kansas about one hour from Kansas City, Lawrence and Topeka.  Guests are offered the unique opportunity to take a time away in one of our eight cabins nestled away in our woodland area or stay in one of our rooms in the main building.

We were founded on the scripture texts “Be still and know that I am God” ( Ps 46:11) and “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples” (Is 56:7). Christ’s Peace House of Prayer strives to offer Christ’s peace to people of all religious backgrounds who are seeking prayerful refuge and sacred solitude.  

Established in 1971, our ministry fosters prayer, renewal and spiritual growth by creating an atmosphere where people encounter God in silence, solitude, and the beauty of nature.  Prayer is offered daily in the Catholic Tradition for the benefit of all. 


Be still, and know that I am God


Contact Information

Christ’s Peace House of Prayer
22131 Meagher Road
Easton, KS 66020  Map

Call us at 913-773-8255
Leave a detailed message and someone will get back to you.

For Reservations and General Information:
Click the link to fill out the Retreat Reservation Form
Or send an email (please include your phone number) to: 

For Prayer Requests or to Email the Director:

To ensure that a staff member is available to greet you and to protect the privacy of our guests, we ask that you call to make a reservation before coming for a tour, a retreat stay, or spiritual direction.

Staff desert days are Mondays and Thursdays.  For a prompt reply send an email.  Reservations are responded to based upon the proximity of the date. 

Sign-up to receive retreat information, important updates about special events and opportunities coming up.

The Mission of the Pro-Life Office is to build a culture of life in northeast Kansas that:

  • affirms life is a gift from God and that every human is created in His image and likeness
  • values and respects the inherent dignity of the human person, and
  • protects all life from conception until natural death, especially the most vulnerable.

We do this through prayer & worship, public education, pastoral care and public policy — to draw us closer to the fullness of life in communion with God the Creator.

O Mary,
bright dawn of the new world,
Mother of the living,
to you do we entrust the cause of life
Look down, O Mother,
upon the vast numbers
of babies not allowed to be born,
of the poor whose lives are made difficult,
of men and women
who are victims of brutal violence,
of the elderly and the sick killed
by indifference or out of misguided mercy.

Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love
to the people of our time.

Obtain for them the grace
to accept that Gospel
as a gift ever new,
the joy of celebrating it with gratitude
throughout their lives
and the courage to bear witness to it
resolutely, in order to build,
together with all people of good will,
the civilization of truth and love,
to the praise and glory of God,
the Creator and lover of life.

Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, in the year 1995

The Office of the Permanent Diaconate, under the direction of the Archbishop, invites, forms, and supports deacons, who are called to serve the Church in Northeast Kansas through the threefold ministry of the Word, the altar and, above all, charity. 

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Resources for those who are in active ministry as permanent deacons in the Archdiocese, or who are seeking information about current deacons. 

Resources for those who are in formation to become permanent deacons, or who are interested in learning more about the permanent diaconate.

Upcoming events in the Deacon Community.


Deacon Leon Suprenant

Director of the Permanent Diaconate

Deacon Curtis Keddy

Director of Formation

Kelly Kmiecik

Administrative Assistant