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email: prolife@archkck.org
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ongoing events
annual events
KS Supreme Court Ruling Anniversary
The Kansas Constitution begins by giving thanks to "Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges." It then says: "All men are possessed of equal and inalienable natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." On April 26, 2019, the Kansas Supreme Court held in Hodes & Nauser MDs v. Schmidt that these words protect a supposed natural right to abortion.
Join Archbishop Naumann in praying for an end to the supposed natural right to abortion in our state and a conversion of hearts so that Life might once again be protected as was intended by our forefathers. In reparation for the harms against the unborn, expectant women and families, we encourage parishes to offer an opportunity for prayer. Communal prayer could be in the form of:
- A holy hour with adoration
- The recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet either in the church or adoration chapel, or if that is not possible, to be done individually, preferable at the mercy hour of 3:00 pm
- A Rosary
A sample holy hour format can be found at HERE.

8th Grade Life Matters
- they are created by a God who loves them
- all life is sacred and has value
- we are all called to defend the most vulnerable among us

Divine Mercy Celebration

Defenders of Life Youth Camp

special events
Foster Care Appreciation Event
In appreciation of your answering the call to love and care for God’s precious children, we’d like to offer you the gift of free time! Your kids will have some Summer fun while you enjoy some time away! This will be an adult-supervised afternoon including a bounce house, games, crafts, a reading nook and a movie, if time. A pizza dinner will be served. Hope you will join us!
June 15, 2024, 3:30 - 7:30 pm
Register HERE.
To view the flyer, click HERE. For a printable version, click HERE.

"Growing Up Girls" Fertility Awareness Event
This is a faith-based, age appropriate event for moms and daughters (ages 9-12 years old) to start a discussion about:
- the beauty and truth of your body’s feminine design
- how to be happy and healthy growing up
- how knowledge of your hormone superpowers will empower you!