“The Culture Project is an initiative of young people set out to restore culture through the experience of virtue.
We proclaim the dignity of the human
person and the richness of living sexual integrity, inviting our culture to become fully alive.”
- Five Culture Project Missionaries will be living in the Archdiocese as a free resource for our schools (grades 6-12), parish religious education and youth groups, college campus centers, and young adult groups.
- This program is one of several new initiatives in our Respect Life Plan with funding coming from many generous donors across the archdiocese who have given to the Respect Life Fund established by Archbishop Naumann.
- To learn more about the Culture Project and the educational presentations they can offer for schools, youth group meetings, confirmation and other retreats, see the flyer below or visit www.thecultureproject.org
- Please contact Debra Niesen at dniesen@archkck.org with additional questions
Email: schedule@thecultureproject.org | Website: thecultureproject.org/schedule | Call: 800-315-8684
Meet the ArchKCK Team!
About the Culture Project

What is the Culture Project?
“The Culture Project is an initiative of young people set out to restore culture through the experience of virtue. We proclaim the dignity of the human person and the richness of living sexual integrity, inviting our culture to become fully alive.” CP website.

Who are they?
The Culture Project Missionaries are recent college graduates formed in Catholic Social Teaching who live in community in dioceses and are trained in giving different types of presentations to children in grades 6th-12th, college students and young adults and their parents.

What will they do?
Missionaries can be invited to give presentations in schools, youth group meetings, confirmation classes, retreats, or for other purposes. They present to parents and guardians of 6th through 12th grade students in person or via Zoom so that parents can learn and know the information shared with their children.

How will they help?
CP Missionaries are meant to be an additional resource to support what is already being done in our schools, parishes and campus centers to teach about the dignity of the human person and Theology of the Body.

Presentation topics include:
· Human Dignity
· Sexual Integrity
· Social Media
· Pro-Life Apologetics
· Q&A Sessions
· Parent Talks