Many men, women, and couples are having life-changing experiences from a collection of positive and new resources about love and sexuality based on the Theology of the Body (TOB)! TOB is Pope John Paul II’s integrated vision of the human person – body, soul, and spirit, which many people are calling a new sexual revolution! As Pope John Paul taught, the physical human body has a specific meaning and is capable of revealing answers regarding fundamental questions about us and our lives:
- What does the sexual union of a man and woman say to us about God and his plan for our lives?
- What exactly is “Love”?
- Why were man and woman called to union from the beginning?
- Why were we created male and female? Does it really matter if we are one sex or another?
- What is the purpose of marriage and celibacy?
- Is it truly possible to live with sexual integrity?
All of these questions and many more were answered in 129 short talks that Pope John Paul II have between the years 1979 and 1984. His reflections were based on Scripture (especially the Gospels, St. Paul and the Book of Genesis). John Paul II discussed who man was in the beginning, who he is now (after original sin), and who he will be in the age to come.
the Archdiocese is strongly encouraging Catholic families, couples and singles along with our parishes, youth groups and high schools to have Theology of the Body materials and groups available!
Theology of the Body for Teens is an exciting program that is being used in all of our Catholic high schools and most of the youth groups in NE Kansas!
Multiple parishes have used an inspiring DVD series called An Introduction to the Theology of the Body as well.
Married couples, seriously you will be blown away at the level of happiness, love, and intimacy that TOB can help bring to your marriage, and don’t miss out on this life-changing vision of love and sexuality!