In-Pew Appeal Procedure

A supply of in-pew pledge envelopes (brochure and envelope in one) will be delivered by mail to your parish.  We have also included an in-pew QR poster to hang in your pews.

In preparation for Appeal Weekend, please consider the following:

  • Review the suggested remarks for pastors and make them as personal as possible.
  • Train the ushers in advance of Mass to pass out in-pew envelopes at each Mass. Please note that merely putting the envelopes in the pew does not have the same impact.
  • Begin your presentation and in-pew appeal at one of the following times during the Mass.
    • Before Mass begins
    • After the distribution of Holy Communion
  • Encourage participation of parishioners at any level, but emphasize pledges with monthly payments over a ten-month period, ranging from $10 to $100 per month. Crosier Society members are those who pledge 1% of their income or $1,000 or more.

Suggested Remarks for the Pastor’s In-Pew Solicitation

We at               (parish)            have been involved actively in an important appeal of the Archdiocese, namely the Archbishop’s Call to Share.  This effort is the lifeblood of our greater Church of Northeast Kansas that assists our parish with a variety of ministries, as well as those among us with significant needs.  By participating in the ACTS, we demonstrate our support for programs that affect us, but also those ministries that “act” out what we believe in.  As Catholics we are proudly more than just our parish here at             (parish)            , and the ACTS is one of the best ways we have to express the unity that exists among all Catholic parishes.

I am pleased to report that toward our target of $      (target)            , __(number)___ gifts have already been received totaling $____________.  This is ___% of our target from only ____% of our parish family!  With so many of you making commitments today, I am confident that your gifts will bring us over our goal.  Your participation in this effort will not only impact the Archdiocese, but it will significantly help us here as well.

If you have not yet made a gift, this is now your opportunity to join our parish effort.  Please review the giving opportunities suggested in the giving brochure.  When you are ready, please select the amount of a pledge on the envelope.  Pledges are over a ten-month period.  Archbishop Naumann has challenged all of us to participate and I encourage you to do the same. The Office of Stewardship & Development at the Archdiocese will send reminders based on the plan you choose.

Note:  you can also make a pledge or gift on line, please click on the QR code in front you, this will take you directly to the ACTS online giving form.

When you’re finished, seal your envelope, and ushers will collect them.  If you need additional time, please keep the envelope and mail it in.  Thank you very much for your participation in the Archbishop’s Call to Share.  Our success means a great deal to me and this parish.  God bless each of you for your generosity.

Parish In-Pew Envelope Processing

Processing gift envelopes – including in-pew envelopes

  1. Parish staff need not process in-pew pledge envelopes; mail the donation envelopes using the Tyvek envelopes provided in your materials box.
  2. Please do not encourage the use of “Amen” or blank envelopes.
Brochure/In-pew Envelope
Spanish In-pew Envelope