• Continuation of Medical Insurance – In following Federal guidelines, an employee that has ended employment and had active Medical benefits with Blue Cross Blue Shield will be provided with the offer to elect Continuation of Insurance by the Chancery Human Resources office.  The employee is responsible to pay 100% of the premium, when continuing BCBS Medical benefits.  The employee will return completed Continuation forms to the Chancery Human Resources office within 60 days of termination date or date no longer eligible for benefits.  Employees will pay premiums for Continuation coverage to the Chancery office.  Employment should be terminated in Paylocity in a timely manner to allow Continuation forms to be mailed out timely.
  • Lay 401(k) Plan – The termination date you input into Paylocity will be exported and become part of the employee’s 401(k) account data which will enable the employee to request a disbursement or a rollover, after leaving employment. The previous employee will continue to receive regular updates from the 401(k) plan, such as the quarterly report, as long as there are funds in their 401(k) account. As a reminder, 401(k) voluntary, match and discretion must be included on all earnings including severance and vacation payout.
  • Lay Pension Frozen Plan – The Archdiocese Lay Retirement Pension Plan was frozen on 12/31/2013. If the employee was hired before 12/31/2013 they may have vesting in the Lay Pension Frozen Plan. If the employee is age 60 or older with 7 years of full time service, or age 65 with at least 3 years of service, they should reach out to CBIZ Retirement Plan Services, as the administrator of the Archdiocese Lay Pension Plan.
    If the employee is not yet retirement age, the employee will receive a letter with a vested statement from CBIZ, within one year of their termination date, with instructions on when and how to begin receiving retirement benefits from the Lay Pension Plan, a defined benefit plan. Contact CBIZ at 913-345-0500 for more information.
  • HSA/Health Savings Account – Your HSA is portable. This means that you can take your HSA with you when you leave and continue to use the funds you have accumulated. Funds left in your account continue to grow tax‐free. For more information click on the HSA Options link or contact Paylocity at batinfo@paylocity.com or 1.800.631.3539. HSA Options
  • Involuntary termination of employment – Please consult Tara McGranaghan, Human Resources Director at (913) 647-0328, or Chris Arth, Archdiocese General Counsel at (913) 549-3516 for discussion and planning. Please note, if a termination is made without consulting archdiocesan General Counsel or HR Director the entity is fully responsible for the cost of any legal action that may arise.
  • Separation Agreement/Pay – Always consult Tara McGranaghan, Human Resources Director at (913) 647-0328, or Chris Arth, Archdiocese General Counsel at (913) 549-3516 for discussion and planning, prior to offering separation pay. Continuation of Medical Insurance is the only benefit that can be offered within a Separation Agreement.
  • Paylocity – Make sure to terminate the employee out of your payroll system in a timely manner.
    • Do no deactivate their access until a year after their termination so the employee has access to their paystub and tax forms.
    • Do not use the “retirement” reason code when terminating.