Archbishop Joseph Naumann teaches the Catholic Faith by Interviewing those who live it.

Archbishop Naumann interviews Fr. Romiro Chan the new archdiocesan director of Hispanic ministry.
Archbishop Naumann interviews John Dahlstrand, the archdiocesan consultant for adult evangelization, about his work with Called and Gifted to help Catholics discern God’s call in their lives.
Called and Gifted is a process to help Catholics discover their particular spiritual gifts which God has given for service of others.

Archbishop Naumann interviews Josh Ruoff, the new Consultant for Special Needs Ministry for the Archdiocese. The focus of this ministry is to help ensure that every person can have full inclusion in the catholic church. This includes surrounding families who have special needs with love. One example of this is respite care program, giving families a day out while their loved ones are well cared for.

Archbishop Naumann interviews Ruth Tisdale, the executive director of Advice and Aid pregnancy resource centers. They discuss the issue of abortion, and how these centers help women in crisis pregnancies with information and support; and dispel some common myths about pregnancy resource centers.
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Vince Anch, Executive Director of the Catholic Education Foundation and their upcoming gala event that celebrates the heroism of our Catholic school teachers: Gaudeamus which happens Saturday, October 23rd.
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Marco Casanova, of Desert Stream Ministries about the Living Waters program.
“Living Waters provides a thoughtful and safe place to look at the ways we’ve become ensnared. Through weekly times of worship, teaching and small group prayer, our program leaders walk with participants in their struggle so they can live in freedom and truth. We pray for God’s healing to restore broken areas of life so that people can “love well” as God intended.
Every one of our Archbishop’s Podcasts are available from September 7, 2010 until now.
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