2024 Pastor's Evaluation

To be completed by the deacon's pastor by February 22, 2025.

Your name(Required)
Name of deacon(Required)
Use separate evaluation for each deacon if more than one is assigned to your parish.
What is your perception of this deacon's weekly presence in your parish?(Required)
How would you rate this deacon's ministry overall this past year?(Required)
How would you rate this deacon's preaching skills?(Required)
How would you rate this deacon's liturgical skills?(Required)
How would you rate this deacon's teaching skills?(Required)
How would you rate this deacon's inter-personal skills?(Required)
How would you rate this deacon's commitment to the sick, poor, imprisoned, marginalized, etc.?(Required)
Would you like this deacon to be assigned to your parish beyond July 1, 2025?
Are there any questions, problems, or concerns regarding this deacon that you would like to discuss with a representative from the diaconate office?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.