our sacred purpose:
Under our Heavenly Father’s providential care, guided by the Holy Spirit and in humble response to the call of Jesus to go and make missionary disciples, we the Catholic Church of Northeast Kansas are committed to embody the life and mission of Jesus through Word, Sacrament, and Service so that all God’s people in the Archdiocese may hear and encounter the living Christ and the Joy of the Gospel.

our ten Year Statement of vision:
The Catholic Church in Northeast Kansas:
Growing as disciples of Jesus, making disciples for Jesus.
our five Overall pastoral priorities
Growing as disciples of Jesus, making disciples for Jesus.
our five Overall pastoral priorities
Conversion – Evangelization – All forms of catholic education – Outreach to those in need – Stewardship
What we will address and develop through 2025.
Build a culture of evangelization across the Archdiocese
- Archdiocesan parishes/apostolates will equip and encourage missionary discipleship in homes and communities by strengthening individual relationships with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church through the Enflame practices of sharing, caring and praying. Pastors will continue to share the work of their parish communities in encouraging missionary discipleship through completing the Annual Pastoral Survey in October every year.
- In promoting a culture of Eucharistic Amazement, emphasis will be given toward the recognition of Jesus as Truly Present in the Blessed Sacrament through the truth of our teaching, the beauty of Mass and the goodness of personal accompaniment. Pastors will share how they have discerned strengthening the culture of Eucharistic Amazement within their parish communities, considering 1) the elevation of the liturgy as an experience of God’s divine revelation and love expressed in the Eucharist 2) how best to encourage small group formation and engagement and 3) what 2-3 specific opportunities for further enrichment/formation of individual relationship with Christ in the Eucharist might best serve their community through June 2024.
- The Catholic Spiritual Mentorship Program forms Mentors for the New Evangelization by forming people who form others to become holy. Foster the growth of the School of Faith’s Podcast Audience to 57,500 listeners leading to 275 Active Spiritual Mentors who are accompanying 1,375 Mentees on their path to holiness by June 30, 2024.
Strengthen the vocation of marriage and family life
- In order to positively affect relationship culture in their communities and increase religious participation, parishes are strongly encouraged to infuse their ministries with relationship courses. By June 2024, 25-35 parishes will prioritize marriage and relationship health by establishing at least one new skills-based outreach, such as Communio.
- By May 2024, 80-100% of K-8 schools will engage parents in Education in Virtue by sharing the monthly virtue to parents in the school newsletter, and reporting the child’s progress in attaining the virtues in parent/teacher conferences once or twice per year.
- By May of 2024, 80-100% of K-8 schools will implement lessons in Ruah Woods Theology of the Body and share information regarding content with parents quarterly. The Office of Catholic Schools will collect the data from schools quarterly.
- By the 2024-25 school year, the majority (if not all) Religious Education/Children’s Catechesis programs will cease ministry activities (including but not limited to: traditional RE classes, catechist &/or parent meetings, retreats, youth group meetings, etc.) on Holy Days of Obligation, Ash Wednesday and during Holy Week in order to help families prioritize the importance of liturgy and return the responsibility of getting children to Mass to the parents who are the first and primary formators of the faith. Catechetical Leaders (DREs) will distribute information about why we celebrate these days and their importance with and invitation to attend Mass.
CULTIVATE relationships by engaging in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
In order that more may come to know Jesus and grow as His disciples by concrete expressions of His way of mercy…
- By October of 2023, the Justice, Life & Advocacy Ministry Consultants will have established regular two-way communication (newsletters, meetings and other means) with their parish mercy ministry liaisons that fosters collaboration and mobilizes works of mercy projects in over 75% of our parish communities. The JLA Team along with parish liaison leadership will organize an Archdiocesan Works of Mercy and Justice Summit to be held September 2024 so that more will be inspired to serve and be served.
- By Spring 2024, Walking With Moms parish representatives within each pastoral region will collaborate to offer the Embrace Grace Support Group program for pregnant single women in at least one parish within the region. Using the WWM model of invitation and accompaniment, parish WWM representatives will continue to mobilize their parish to support expectant women/families in need through connection with Catholic Charities and other local resources in order to highlight the beautiful gift of pregnancy, defend the dignity and safety of expectant women, and protect pre-born lives.
- Because the Gospel is to be proclaimed to all, by January of 2024, every Catholic Institution and Parish of the Archdiocese will utilize the “Accessibility checklist” to assess and identify ways to improve their services to and accessibility for persons with disabilities and their families, as well as persons who are deaf or have hearing loss, in order to budget for one improvement annually.