12/16/2022: The School Office is currently experiencing technical issues with the @archkckcs.org email. Any emails sent to us will not be received. We are working to get this resolved. In the mean time, please send emails to Felicia Holcomb at felicia.nholcomb@gmail.com. The message will be relayed to the appropriate person. Thank you.

Because all staff in Catholic Schools are called to bear witness to Jesus in both their life and teaching, the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas hire practicing members of the Roman Catholic Church, who are registered members and actively participate in the faith-life of their parishes through their gifts of time, talent and treasure.  School leaders, i.e., Presidents of Secondary Schools and Principals of both secondary and elementary schools, must be practicing Catholics.  Teachers, except in extreme and unusual circumstances, must be practicing Catholics.  However, in the event that there are non-Catholic teachers employed in a school, both the Catholic and non-Catholic teachers shall be required to attend Mass and to participate in all religious services/activities with their students and other faculty members and to conduct themselves at all times, in and out of school, in a manner consistent with established Catholic teachings and moral standards. 

Employees in the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas shall not be discriminated against on the basis of age, race, color, gender (unless in conflict with Catholic moral teachings), disability or national origin.