Preaching Series

The weekend after the Congress, the Sunday Gospel will turn to the Bread of Life discourse in John 6, where it will remain for five weeks—from July 28 to August 25. This couldn’t be better timing! As we enter the third year of the National Eucharistic Revival, this is a providential opportunity for every parish in the United States to participate in a kerygmatic preaching series for those five weeks, proclaiming Eucharistic theology from the pulpit in a special unified way.

Ministry Resources

ArchKCK Youth Ministry Program Resources for Youth Minister’s and DRE’s Providing youth leaders with essential support and resources for both their service to parish teens and their professional growth in

Youth Leader Webinars

ArchKCK Youth Ministry Youth Leader Webinars Practical Steps for Self-Care as a Youth Leader Learn practical techniques for managing stress, setting healthy boundaries, and ensuring you remain energized and effective

Regional Meetings

ArchKCK Youth Ministry Regional Meetings Johnson County Youth Leader Meetings Location: Lenexa City CenterTime: 10am – NoonDates: Aug 29th, Oct 17th, Nov. 21st, Dec. 19th Johnson County DRE Leader Meetings Location: TBDTime: 10am

Youth Ministry

ArchKCK Youth Ministry Leading the young Church of Kansas Closer to Christ. Empowering youth through faith, service, and community. We empower youth ministers and workers to lead with purpose, providing

Conferences & Retreats

ArchKCK Youth Ministry Conferences & Retreats Renew, Connect, Inspire MARCH FOR LIFE Stand For Life Be a voice for the voiceless at the March for Life 2025. On January 24th,

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage Statement by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann

Consider the beautiful sacrifices these young adults have made in spending two months walking for Jesus. I urge all parishioners of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, as well as all Christians and people of Faith, to make a small sacrifice by participating in one or more of the events of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage as it journeys through Kansas. – Archbishop Joesph F. Naumann


The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has partnered with the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) to provide reliable references, thorough explanations, and case-based guidance so you can form your

Bioethics The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has partnered with the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) to provide reliable references, thorough explanations, and case-based guidance so you can form

Mercy & Justice Summit

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