USCCB Action Alert
Tell Congress Tiny Preborn Lives Are At Stake! New proposals in Congress threaten human life and religious freedom.The need to accompany and support the increasing number of families struggling with
Tell Congress Tiny Preborn Lives Are At Stake! New proposals in Congress threaten human life and religious freedom.The need to accompany and support the increasing number of families struggling with
Join us at Planned Parenthood in Overland Park monthly to pray the rosary for the unborn.
Join us for a monthly holy hour, mass and rosary for life at Planned Parenthood in Kansas City, KS.
Join us in prayer for the Commemoration of KS Supreme Court Ruling on April 26th
A 3-day experience packed with fun, facts, food and friendship while being equipped and empowered with tools and knowledge to defend life.
Join us this Sunday, April 24th at St. James Academy for a Rosary at 6:15pm and the Eucharistic Prayer Service at 7:00pm.
A Thanksgiving day Message En Español Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your
It is with deep sorrow that the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas announces the passing of Archbishop Emeritus James P. Keleher. Archbishop Keleher died of natural causes in his
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St. Michael the Archangel Prayer
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Dobbs Ushers in a New Abortion Landscape