Self-Evaluation and Assignment Questionnaire for Candidates Approaching Ordination

Step 1 of 3

Part I Self-Evaluation

For each “dimension,” read the preliminary information before answering the question.

Human Dimension

The human dimension enables the minister to be a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their encounter with Jesus Christ and His Church. Accordingly, candidates are nurtured and encouraged to develop human qualities and virtues to permit them to enjoy the trust of the community, to commit themselves with serenity to the pastoral ministry, and to facilitate community and dialogue.

Spiritual Dimension

Configured sacramentally to Christ the Servant, a deacon’s spirituality must be grounded in the attitudes of Christ. These include simplicity of heart, total giving of self and disinterest for self, humble, generous love for all, especially those who are poor, suffering, and/or most needy, and the choice of a lifestyle characterized by sharing and detachment from worldly comforts. This diaconal spirituality is nourished by the Eucharist, which characterizes the ministry of the deacon. A diaconal spirituality is conditioned by participation in the apostolic ministry and should be marked by openness to God’s Word, to the Church, and to the world. The fundamental spiritual attitude should be one of openness to this Word contained in revelation, as preached by the Church, celebrated in the liturgy, and lived out in the lives of God’s people. The attainment of an interior spiritual maturity requires an intense prayer and sacramental life.

Intellectual Dimension

The commitment to study, which takes up no small part of the time of those preparing for the diaconate, is not in fact an external and secondary dimension of human, Christian, spiritual, and vocational growth. In reality, through study, especially the study of theology, the future deacon assents to the Word of God, grows in his spiritual life, and prepares himself to fulfill his pastoral ministry.

Pastoral Dimension

The pastoral dimension in diaconal formation should strengthen and enhance the exercise of the prophetic, priestly, and servant-leadership functions—deriving from his baptismal consecration—already lived and exercised by the participant in diaconal formation. Deacon candidates should be prepared to proclaim the Christian message and teach it, to lead and guide others in communal celebrations of liturgical prayer, and to embody Christian service marked by charity and justice. The demonstration of pastoral skills is a crucial element in the assessment of fitness for ordination. Calling to mind that as a deacon a man will serve the Church through ministries of the Word, Liturgy, and Charity/Justice, the qualities to be developed and demonstrated for these tasks include: a spirit of pastoral responsibility and servant-leadership; generosity and perseverance; creativity; respect for ecclesial communion and “appropriate channels” of communication and authority; and filial obedience to the bishop.