It’s pretty awesome to watch a four-time Pro Bowl quarterback and a five-time American League All-Star open up about their enthusiasm for Natural Family Planning (NFP) and their passion for their wives! Phillip Rivers and Mike Sweeney gave their personal stories about NFP, told some jokes, and discussed how NFP has benefitted their marriages. This inspiring interview was filmed by an award winning videographer during the 2013 Men Under Construction Conference in Kansas City.
There are several different fertility management systems available that any couple can learn that will allow them to plan their family without use of barriers or chemicals. These methods are often called “natural family planning”, and they are safe, effective and based on modern scientific research. These methods not only enhance a couple’s relationship and intimacy, but they are healthier for the woman as well.
Here is a list of 5 physicians in NE Kansas who have gone through extensive training with Natural Family Planning!
There is comprehensive information about Natural Family Planning instructors, classes and resources from our Marriage and Family Life Office!