Spiritual direction is a ministry of compassionate presence while seeking to help another attempt to understand God’s ways and manifestations in the journey of life. It is a privileged time and place for a person to reflect with a spiritual director about one’s relationship with God. Retreat guests may meet with a spiritual director once during their stay at no cost; a suggested offering for additional sessions is $20 per session.
Persons also may wish to come to Christ’s Peace House of Prayer solely to meet with a spiritual director — in that case, the suggested donation is $20 per session. This is of course a suggested donation. No one should ever feel that compassionate guidance is unattainable due to financial constraints, please just give as you are able.
Retreat master, workshop leader, speaker and spiritual mentor Vince Eimer has been a spiritual director since 1989, was a Benedictine Monk for sixteen years, has three units of Clinical Pastoral Education and is a graduate of the Spiritual Mentorship Program of the School of Faith and the Apostles of the Interior Life. Schedule an appointment for spiritual direction during your retreat should you need guidance on your faith journey.

“Nothing gives me more joy than seeing fellow Christians deepen their relationships with Christ.”
“It has been my privilege to lead my brothers and sisters to truly transformative experiences through retreats and workshops, spiritual direction and presentations.”
“I love sharing what I have learned and experienced and want to help you improve your prayer life and fall more in love with God!”