- Dr. Donald Hilton, a neurosurgeon from the University of Texas in San Antonio, wrote about a 2014 study from the Max Plank Institute in Germany, which “demonstrated that pornography is associated with shrinkage in the brain’s reward center as well as with impairment in connectivity with the frontal judgement and control areas.” Dr. Hilton added that “virtually every study looking at addiction has shown shrinkage and abnormality in the reward areas and in judgement centers.” (Pornography a Public Health Crisis, Symposium at U.S. Capitol – 7/14/15, pg. 22.)
- Dr. Hilton indicated that a 2014 study from Cambridge University demonstrated that the brains of those addicted to pornography light up just like cocaine addicts “when shown pornography cues as compared to normal controls.” (Pornography a Public Health Crisis, Symposium at U.S. Capitol 7/14/15, pg. 23.)
- Pornography alters the pleasure center of the brain. Sadly, numerous physicians have reported that pornography use increases rates of erectile dysfunction, even for young men in their 20s and 30s. (There are multiple secular articles about “Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction” and “Porn-Induced ED” on PsychologyToday.com)
- Research indicates that exposure to pornography decreases sexual satisfaction in relationships for both men and women. (The Social Costs of Pornography, pg. 38, the Witherspoon Institute, Princeton, NJ)
- Here’s an interesting quote from Dr. William Struthers about pornography’s impact on sexual pleasure: “But the male mind is not made to achieve this orgasmic high on demand. Considerable neurological work goes into preparing a brain for an endogenous release of opiates. It is designed to be preceded by the priming of dopamine, norepinephrine and testosterone. However, repeated activation of opiate receptors (such as with heroin addiction or repeated orgasm) results in tolerance. With repeated acting out (as well as drug use), the absence of opiate activation results in craving (the drug or sexual release) and diminished euphoria. This is why coupling pornography with masturbation is so significant in the development of pornography problems and ultimately steals the joy from sexual relations.” (Struthers, Wired for Intimacy, pgs. 104 – 105)