Christ Peace House of Prayer provides a place to withdraw from the busyness of life, into a space where one is able be still and draw closer to God. It is a grace to be able to provide this environment, especially in the world we live in today where so many people have lost touch with the “one thing necessary” (Luke 10:42). Our retreat center operates on free will donations which is why we are asking for your help. Our doors are open to all. We simply ask our guests for a donation for the expenses of running the retreat center according to the means of each individual. Your help with the following would be much appreciated.
Material Needs
Pick-up Truck to replace our 1980 model
Would you or your group be interested in coming out to help us with any of the following maintenance work? Do you belong to a Knights of Columbus Group that could sponsor a project? Are you a Life Scout looking for an Eagle Scout Project? Are you recently retired and would like to continue to use your gifts to build his kingdom? Contact us about how you would like to help. Ask about scheduling a working retreat.
- Install flooring at T.H. kitchen
- Repair Fences around the Lagoons
- Make benches for the back woods
- Put mileage markers in the deep woodsCY RM #3:Drywall the water heater closet
- Willow: Install a new floor – waterproof laminate flooring
- Sunset: Install a new floor – waterproof laminate flooring
- Replace fence posts and the entrance
- Paint Ceiling of CY3
- Stain Exterior Chairs EG, WB, Tea House
- Rack Leaves (Around Main Building, St. Isidor Shrine, St. Francis Shrine)
- Place Mulch (Around Main Building, St. Isidor Shrine, St. Francis Shrine)
- Pull/Spray for weeds- Trumpet Vines
- Pull weeds in the courtyards and around the main building
- Pull weeds at St. Francis Shrine
- Plant seeds
- Gather dried seeds and clean out flower beds
- Clear the trails in the deep woods
- Spring Clean-up and Remulching
- Replace the earthen stairs at the west entrance of the deep woods
- Remove dying bushes in entrance courtyard and replace with new
- Dig out rocks and create a better walk way down to the creek in the back woods
There is always a need for an extra hand to help with specific cleaning projects!
- Would you be interested in helping us contact organizations within the church to share our mission?
- Do you have computer and office skills? Would you consider giving of your time to help with light office work on a bi-monthly basis?
- Are you hosting an event and need raffle gifts for your fundraiser? Contact us about receiving a complementary weekend retreat for your raffle.
- Are you skilled in Grant Writing? We could use your help to write grants for money to complete our maintenance work.
- Do you have connections to material suppliers? Are you able to help us in procuring materials to complete our maintenance items?