Religious Awards Mass - March 30th, 2025 - 2pm


Sign up your Scout for an ArchKCK sponsored youth religious emblems class, or notify us if you are taking a class with someone else (having this information helps us know how many might attend retreat, our awards mass in the spring, contact info for ordering awards, etc. and have the contact info so we know where to send invites). The AHG one would need an option added for doing the classes with a mentor.

Additional things to be aware of when participating in a Religious Emblem program:

  • Attend a Catholic retreat (recommended for all, required for some – Could be in a Scout’s parish and/or the CCS’s Kenosis retreat in the late winter.)
  • Complete a Board of Review (if required for your award)
  • Turn in the award application’s “signature form” by deadline 
  • Scout Sunday is Feb 2nd, 2025. Deadline to order awards:  January 19th, 2025
  • ArchKCK Religious Emblems Awards Mass is March 30th, 2025 at 2pm.  Deadline to order awards:  February 30th, 2025
  • To place an order for American Heritage Girls or Boy Scout/Scouts BSA awards, please complete this ORDER FORM.  You’ll be able to add comments and ask questions at the end of the form.
  • Please email Mary Manan to notify the office that you have placed an order
  • Pay for your medals and any parent pins (parent pins are optional in BSA, not available in AHG) by deadline
  • Attend awards mass in the spring to receive your medal


Please let us know! Your CCS is a valuable resource of info and we’d like to directly keep you in the loop on important dates, information, and more. We would also like to know if your class is open to other Scouts seeking an in-person experience. Click here to register your class:


If a Scout is ready for an AAD or PPXII class and their Unit does not offer instruction, it is our goal to help them locate a class close to them. Keep in mind, most AAD classes are limited to 12 Scouts (max.) and the PPXII classes are best when kept to 6-8 Scouts. However, we will do what we can to accommodate. Click here to register a Scout looking for options:



We will once again, offer an online AAD class, primarily for Catholic Scouts in non-Catholic troops in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Have a special situation, let us know. Click here for more info and to sign up:




The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas’s Catholic Committee on Scouting is proudly offering regional Catholic Faith Award (CFA) programs for American Heritage Girls at the Pioneer and Patriot levels for the third year! This program is open to Catholic AHG girls from any AHG troop (Catholic and Non-Catholic) in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in KS or in the general Kansas City Area.


Each AHG Program level (Tenderheart, Explorer, Pioneer and Patriot) has its own Catholic Faith Award Book. Each book is divided into Segments; one Segment for each year (3 for TH, 3 for EX, 2 for Pi, 4 for Pa). Tenderheart and Explorer girls work with their parents and troops to complete CFA. Pioneers and Patriots work in small groups with a mentor who is a registered AHG leader and has reviewed the AHG Faith Award Program Introduction, including the CFA Mentor Training, available in the AHGequip training app.

AHG Catholic Faith Award Sign Up 2022-2023


Recognizing the birth of the ScoutsBSA program, Scout Sunday is celebrated in Catholic parishes throughout the world on a Sunday in early February. Cub Scouts, ScoutsBSA, and American Heritage Girls members are all encouraged to wear their uniforms to the mass they attend on this special day.

Scout Sunday 2025 (according to February 2nd, 2025 (a great time for Cub Packs to award Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei

CUB SCOUT awards


The purpose is to help the Cub Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With the parents’ active assistance and participation in this program, it is hoped that the Cub will come to see Jesus as a real person and their friend.

Registered 6 and 7 year old (Tiger or Wolf) Cub Scout of Catholic Faith.

For this award, the Cub and their parent or guardian to work together with the help of an “Light of Christ” emblem workbook (available at the Scout Shop), independent of Den or Pack Meetings.

When the Cub completes all steps, he/she is to present the book to his/her parish priest or the priest’s representative and the book is reviewed with the Cub. After the pastor or his representative signs the book, your Den or Pack leader will help you coordinate getting the application form sent to the Office of Youth in the Archdiocese for final approval, and medal ordering.

Medals are typically blessed/awarded by your parish priest during/after the Scout Sunday Mass (the first Sunday in February).

Light of Christ Workbook. Available at the Scout Shop: 10210 Holmes Road
Kansas City, MO 64131-4212

Getting Started
Ask your Den Leader or Cub Master for protocols your troop has in place. For further questions, contact


The purpose of the Parvuli Dei (Children of God) emblem is to help young boys and girls explore a wide range of activities in order to discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their families and parishes, and also to develop a good, positive self-image through the contributions they can make to the group or community.

To learn more about the Parvuli Dei Award and what is required, click here.

Registered 8 to 10 year old (Bear or Webelos) of Catholic Faith.

For this award, the Cub and their parent or guardian to work together with the help of an “Parvuli Dei emblem workbook” (available at the Scout Shop), independent of Den or Pack Meetings.

When the Cub completes all steps, he/she is to present the book to his/her parish priest or the priest’s representative and the book is reviewed with the Cub. After the pastor or his representative signs the book, your Den or Pack leader will help you coordinate getting the application form sent to the Office of Youth in the Archdiocese for final approval, and medal ordering.

Medals are typically blessed/awarded by your parish priest during/after the Scout Sunday Mass (the first Sunday in February).

Accordion Content

Getting Started
Ask your Den Leader or Cub Master for protocols your troop has in place. For further questions, contact




The purpose of the Ad Altare Dei (to the altar of God) program is to
help Catholic Youth of the Roman Rite develop a fully Christian way of
life in the faith community. The program is organized in chapters based on the seven sacraments. The seven Sacraments are a primary means toward spiritual growth. 

To learn more about the Ad Altare Dei Award and what is required, click here.

  • Designed for any youth of the Roman Catholic Faith who is registered in a ScoutsBSA Troop or Venturing Crew.
  • Recommended for 7th grade and up. 
  • Check with your troop’s Religious Emblems Coordinator or Chaplain to see when your next AAD Class is starting.
It is the goal of the Catholic Committee on Scouting to promote the Catholic Religious Emblems program in the Archdiocese, as well as connecting Scouts with religious emblems classes.
For AAD, Scouts will work with a trained religious emblems  coordinator/ counselor/ moderator over a 6-8 month period, in special meetings independent of unit meetings.
Classes will culminate in the Scout receiving their medal from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April. 

    Many troops conduct their own classes on a semi-annual basis. Scouts should connect with their troop’s Relgious Emblems Coodinator to find out when the next AAD classes start.
    FOR CATHOLIC BOYS AND GIRLS IN NON-CATHOLIC CHARTERED TROOPS! In a special outreach ministry delivered through live, online classes (via Zoom), the Catholic Committee on Scouting in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, is offering the opportunity to Scouts in non-Catholic units throughout the Archdiocese to fulfill his or her Duty to God and earn the Catholic Religious Award. We are very excited to offer this first-of-its-kind class.

Pope Pius XII workbook. Available at the Scout Shop: 10210 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO, 64131-4212

Pope Pius XII Award
Pope Pius XII is Catholic Scouting’s church-related ministries and vocation program. The program deals with different life choices (single, married, religious, ordained), occupations and ministries in the church as calls from God. It includes youth led discussions on current issues facing the church and society, which are normally included as part of a Pius XII retreat or day of recollection.

To learn more about the Pope Pius XII Award and what is required, click here.

  • Registered Venturers, Sea Scouts, and Scouts of Catholic Faith, regardless of gender.
  • Designed for age 15-16 year old, but all registered Venturers and Sea Scouts before their 21st birthday and all registered Scouts (in high school) before their 18th birthday.
It is the goal of the Catholic Committee on Scouting to promote the Catholic Religious Emblems program in the Archdiocese, as well as connecting Scouts with religious emblems classes.
For PPXII, participants will work with a trained counselor/ moderator over 9-12 sessions, independent of unit meetings.

Classes culminate in the participant receiving their medal from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April. 

Pope Pius XII workbook. Available at the Scout Shop: 10210 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO 64131-4212

american heritage girl AWARDS


TENDERHEART – Deus et Familia Mea (God and My Family)

Deus et Familia Mea guides Catholic Tenderhearts through an awareness of who they are as children of God in the family of the Catholic Church. Girls will learn about the Holy Mass, sacraments, traditions and history of the

Catholic Church with fun, hands-on activities. Tenderhearts are encouraged to explore and perform works of charity for their families and neighbors.

TENDERHEART (ages 6-9)

The Tenderheart level earns their Catholic Faith Award at home or with the troop. The troop presents the patches and medals to the girls after completing their program.

Class instructors will provide more information on about workbooks.

Order New AHG Program Books Here



To learn more, contact Tonya Gast at


EXPLORER – Deus et Patria Mea (God and My Country)

Deus et Patria Mea allows Catholic Explorers to learn about various saints representing the United States of America. Explorers enrich their faith by exploring Catholic elements that are most important to those saints, including the Eucharist, Corporal Works of Mercy, and missionary work. Deus et Patria Mea is thought-provoking, hands-on, and will foster a desire in Explorers to serve Jesus Christ through His Holy Church.

EXPLORER (ages 9-12)

The Explorer level earns their Catholic Faith Award at home or with the troop. The troop presents the patches and medals to the girls after completing their program.

Class instructors will provide more information on about workbooks.

Order New AHG Program Books Here



To learn more, contact Tonya Gast at


PIONEER – Deus Et Civitas Mea (God and My Community for Pioneers)

Deus et Civitas Mea guides Catholic Pioneers to examine service in their community through Sacred Scripture and Church Tradition. Girls learn the importance of preparing to serve through prayer and learning about people who exemplified service in their lives. Pioneers put what they have learned into practice by serving others and by reflecting on the impact of their service.

PIONEER (ages 12-14)

The Pioneer level earns their CFA by completing the ArchKCK class or by completing it with another mentor approved by the troop board and charter organization.

Classes culminate in the participant receiving their medal from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April. 

Class instructors will provide more information on about workbooks.

Order New AHG Program Books Here



To learn more, contact Tonya Gast at

Femina Integritatis (Women of Integrity)

Femina Integritatis encourages Catholic Patriots to internalize and immerse themselves in what it means to be a Catholic Woman of Integrity. Prayer and discussion are essential elements of this study with opportunities for outings and engaging speakers. Through study of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Our Blessed Mother, the lives of the saints, and the sacraments, Patriots discern God’s call for their lives after high school.

To learn more about the Femina Integritatis Award and what is required, click here.

PATRIOT (ages 12-14)

The Patriot level earns their CFA by completing the ArchKCK class or by completing it with another mentor approved by the troop board and charter organization.

Classes culminate in the participant receiving their medal from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April. 

Class instructors will provide more information on about workbooks.

Order New AHG Program Books Here



To learn more, contact Tonya Gast at




The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas’ Catholic Committee on Scouting (CCS) asks that all chartered Catholic units annually:

1) Incorporate Catholic activities into their Fall unit program planning discussions, and
2) Submit an application every Spring to measure their achievements and progress as a Catholic scouting unit. There are three levels for this unit award (Gold, Silver and Bronze); advanced unit planning is the only way to provide extra Catholic scouting opportunities so these units can achieve the higher award levels.

THIS IS A GREAT PROGRAM TO INCORPORATE DURING YOUR IDEAL YEAR OF SCOUTING PLANNING MEETING. Download the application and plan on and have a great Catholic Scouting year.

This award requires a specific application, which you will need to submit for approval. Once the application has been reviewed and approved by the local Catholic Committee on Scouting, the petitioner will be contacted on the next steps to take.

Recipients receive their award from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April. 


The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas awards the Bronze Pelican to Scouters in the Heart of American Council who are instrumental in Scout’s Catholic faith formation at the unit, district or council level. While the St. George Medal is a National Recognition and is more intensive in requirements, this is a local recognition.

Know someone who is deserving of this award? Fill out the Bronze Pelican Nomination Application and send to

This award requires a specific application, which you will need to submit for approval. Once the application has been reviewed and approved by the local Catholic Committee on Scouting, the petitioner will be contacted on the next steps to take.

Recipients receive their award from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April.


The National Catholic Committee on Scouting®, acting through the local diocese or eparchy, may award the St. George emblem to members of the laity and clergy, Scouters and non-Scouters alike, who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youths through Scouting. The recipients of the emblem are to be sought after and selected by an active committee of the (arch)diocese/eparchy.

Nomination forms should give a detailed description of how the nominee provides outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of Catholic youths through Scouting in the Catholic Church.


Know someone who is deserving of this award? Fill out the St. George Medal Nomination Application and send to

This award requires a specific application, which you will need to submit for approval. Once the application has been reviewed and approved by the local Catholic Committee on Scouting, the petitioner will be contacted on the next steps to take.

Recipients receive their award from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April. 


The St. Anne Medal is the highest national recognition for adults who serve Catholic youth through girls’ organization. The recognition was inaugurated in 1957 and redesigned in 1980. This award is normally given to those with at least 7 years of successful leadership and service involving multiple troops or Parishes.

Know someone who is deserving of this award? Fill out the St. Anne Award Nomination application and sent to

This award requires a specific application, which you will need to submit for approval. Once the application has been reviewed and approved by the local Catholic Committee on Scouting, the petitioner will be contacted on the next steps to take.

Recipients receive their award from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April. 


The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award was created by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry in 1980 to recognize the significant contributions of persons serving the spiritual needs of Catholic members in organizations serving girls with at least 2 years of success as an adult leader at the troop or parish level.

Know someone who is deserving of this award? Fill out the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award Application and send to

This award requires a specific application, which you will need to submit for approval. Once the application has been reviewed and approved by the local Catholic Committee on Scouting, the petitioner will be contacted on the next steps to take.

Recipients receive their award from the Archbishop at the Scouting Awards Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Kansas City, KS in April. 

REligious Activity Award Programs



In support of the National Eucharistic Revival, the National Catholic Committee on Scouting is offering the Eucharistic Revival Activity Program.

The Eucharistic Revival is a 3-year initiative sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The revival was launched in 2022 and continues until Pentecost in 2025.

The goal of this program is to help all Catholics, young and old, revive their faith and love of Jesus through prayer and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.

It is hoped that while earning the main central patch and auxiliary patches, each individual will grow in knowledge of the Eucharist and, more importantly, grow in a desire to have a personal experience of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Refer to the following website for information about this program.

Download the flyer for more information.


Through the Eucharistic Revival Patch and guidance
of a trusted adult, American Heritage Girls will learn
more about the source and summit of the Catholic
faith and grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Download the flyer for more information.


Every year we celebrate together, the accomplishments of many scouts and leaders, with special Scouting Awards Mass:

The Annual Scouting Awards Mass will continue in 2025.  

March 30th, 2025 | 2 pm | St. Peter’s Cathedral, Kansas City, KS

Class A Uniforms (Scouts BSA and AHG youth and adult awards are given).

To place an order for American Heritage Girls or Boy Scout/Scouts BSA awards, please complete this ORDER FORM.  You’ll be able to add comments and ask questions at the end of the form.

As a reminder, please note that medals are not guaranteed in-stock at the Archdiocesan Offices.  If we do not have what you need on hand, and need to order, please be aware it will take time to process.  To ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible, we ask everyone to expect a full 3-4 weeks for your order to be ready at the office.  Please plan for additional shipping time if you would like us to mail the awards to you, which we are happy to do.