parish publishing channels: web page, bulletin, email, facebook

A stewardship best practice is to link messages about the parish mission to the mission of the larger Church in the Archdiocese. A parish pastor, communication staff, or stewardship director can use homilies, bulletin announcements, events, social media, and website postings to make the invitation to give, “published” for viewing by your parishioners. The invitations can be simple, understandable, and should be messages that make the faithful feel valued for their past stewardship, but that God is always calling them to do more. 

Find resources that can provide content for your parish messaging, below: Hover over the text to reveal and open up the page in another browser.

Examples of Stewardship pages on parish websites:

St. Gregory the Great, Marysville, KS

Church of the Ascension, Overland Park, KS

Most Pure Heart of May, Topeka, KS

St. John the Evangelist, Lawrence, KS

Good Shepherd, Shawnee, KS

International Stewardship Council: Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, let us be reconciled to God in Christ Jesus. HOME PAGE

      • Bulletin Reflections – New reflections to be added soon.

      • Prayers of the Faithful – To be added soon.

      • International Catholic Stewardship Council eBulletin

      Additional Resources:

      Publications, messages, and prayers from Pope Francis: CLICK HERE

      Resource library of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops CLICK HERE

      “Building Stewardship in Your Parish” from Liturgical Press: CLICK HERE

      Explore Our Sunday Visitor parish services,  CLICK HERE

      Ways to give Cash Gifts from a Donor Advised Fund and download a flyer for insertion in a bulletin: CLICK HERE

      For flyers on different ways to give for insertion in bulletins, email Terri Lynn in the Office of Stewardship and Development at and she can customize each flyer with a photo of your parish.