To report planned legacy gifts designated in your estate plans to any parish, school, or ministry, use the form below.

For information on what assets and financial resources make great legacy gifts, visit,

Enrollment Benefit: You have the option through your enrollment to have your legacy society membership be publicized in the archdiocese’s annual report published by the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas (CFNEK). The printed and published annual report is shared with friends, fund-holders, and donors of the archdiocese. VIEW PUBLISHED MEMBERS HERE

Your name whether you give us permission with this form, to publish your membership in the society in the annual report or not, may be shared with the archbishop or the pastor as having received notification of a planned legacy gift. However, your gift and its anticipated value will not be disclosed without your authorization.

If you have any questions about the benefits of completing your enrollment, please contact Terri Lynn, Planned Giving, 913-647-0365 or

Catholic Legacy Society Enrollment

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Estate Gift Details

  • I would like to make this legacy gift as a Tribute to:
  • How would you like the named entity to use your gift?

  • If you are comfortable doing so, please provide an estimate of the current value of your deferred gift. This estimate will help with planning for the future.
  • Anyone who notifies the archdiocese that they are the donor of a gift in their estate plan qualifies as a member of the Catholic Legacy Society (CLS). Gift details are always held in strict confidence.

  • This document does not bind you or your estate. By signing this form, you are simply acknowledging your current plans to benefit the Church and her ministries in the future. Gifts of any size are always appreciated.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Catholic Legacy Society Enrollment

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Estate Gift Details

  • I would like to make this legacy gift as a Tribute to:
  • How would you like the named entity to use your gift?

  • If you are comfortable doing so, please provide an estimate of the current value of your deferred gift. This estimate will help with planning for the future.
  • Anyone who notifies the archdiocese that they are the donor of a gift in their estate plan qualifies as a member of the Catholic Legacy Society (CLS). Gift details are always held in strict confidence.

  • This document does not bind you or your estate. By signing this form, you are simply acknowledging your current plans to benefit the Church and her ministries in the future. Gifts of any size are always appreciated.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.