Getting Organized

Those who are joyful with the wealth of God’s abundance, are ready to share. And, as responsible and accountable stewards – managers of someone else’s possessions – we will be rewarded. 

Ideas for Developing an Environment of Stewardship in your Parish

Have a Ministry Fair!

  • Sponsor periodic ministry fairs or an open house to familiarize people with activities and programs at the parish. Make it easy, set convenient times, and consider linking the event with other mandatory meetings such as Parent-Teacher Conferences at school.
  • Many examples of successful ministry fairs are available at the International Catholic Stewardship Council website. The Office of Stewardship for the Archdiocese is a member of the ICSC and can assist you with securing more information and helpful materials.
  • Consider a website posting or social media message on the parish website as one way to get the word out about opportunities for people to share their talents. It isn’t always easy to get people to come out for a fair or meeting. Make website opportunities simple with direct contact information for how to get involved.

Form Children, Today, in the Attitude and Actions of Giving

  • Structure a Children’s Offering project to help families participate in stewardship. Our Sunday Visitor,, has abundant resources for helping form attitudes and actions for giving. Creating a holy home–what Pope St. John Paul II often called “the domestic church”–begins with a prayerful acknowledgment and appreciation of all the gifts God has given us. Use a children’s offering activity at Mass to provide a public witness of gratitude.

Hospitality – A Warm Welcome is Part of Stewardship, Which is Linked to Evangelization

  • Creating a welcoming and gracious atmosphere at the parish is an essential step toward drawing people into the mission of the parish. Only then can we invite others to know Christ and the Gospel. As we seek to welcome everyone, even strangers, we must make sure they feel at home. First and foremost this invitation should be directed toward their needs, with sensitivity to their individual circumstances.
  • Foster a welcoming, stewardship parish by having regular greeters before Mass. Remember, we are Christ’s ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). Providing hospitality to strangers is a hallmark of Christian stewardship. In the Gospel of Matthew, good stewards were commended for their hospitality: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matt. 25:35).
  • There is a lot of anecdotal evidence suggesting that the ability of a first-time visitor to have a meaningful experience of Christ in the liturgy is directly impacted by the warmth of the welcome extended by the local worshipping community. When people say hello, the worship experience is enhanced. A warm welcome is part of evangelization, which is necessary to work in a church’s mission to help people discover or renew their faith in Christ.