We are a community committed to preventing abuse. Our policies and programs prioritize safety of children and the vulnerable.

Confidential Report Line: (913) 276-8703 

We care about survivors of abuse.

Victim Care Advocate: (913) 298-9244


CALL 911 IF...

someone is in danger or hurt

contact state authorities

Click here to report

notify archdiocese IF...

The suspected abuse involves a cleric, employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese: CLICK HERE

Report suspicions of Abuse to state authorities

Department for Children and Families (DCF)

Kansas Protection Report Center
Report Online: http://www.dcf.ks.gov/services/PPS/Pages/MR-Online-Report.aspx

By Phone: 1-800-922-5330
By Fax: 1-866-317-4279

By Mail
Kansas Protection Report Center
500 S.W. Van Buren St.
Topeka, KS 66603

A Guide to Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

Report suspicions of abuse to the Archdiocese

After contacting civil authorities:

If the accused is an employee, volunteer, priest or deacon in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, please make an additional report by completing the form below or calling the confidential report line.

Confidential Report Line: 913-276-8703.

Report Suspicious Behavior to the Archdiocese

If the accused is a bishop or archbishop, call 800-276-1562 or visit ReportBishopAbuse.org.

The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has a sincere commitment to protecting our vulnerable from abuse. When those efforts fail, we strive toward transparency in the hope of healing and restoration. There is much work left to do to atone for the heinous sins and crimes committed by those who were entrusted with the sacred care of the vulnerable.