We are a community committed to preventing abuse. Our policies and programs prioritize safety of children and the vulnerable.
We care about survivors of abuse.
Victim Care Advocate: (913) 298-9244
“With God’s grace …we can become more and more the Church Jesus has called us to be. It is my conviction if we proclaim faithfully the truth of the Gospel while radiating the authentic hope and joy that is the natural consequence of knowing and following Jesus, then our lives will draw others to desire the source of our hope and joy.”
Archbishop Joseph Naumann
CALL 911 IF...
someone is in danger or hurt
contact state authorities
Click here to report
notify archdiocese IF...
The suspected abuse involves a cleric, employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese: CLICK HERE
We believe in the power of truth. We encourage survivors of abuse to report directly to civil authorities. We conduct an objective and fair investigation into allegations of sexual abuse by those working in the Church.
Life is precious and every child and adult has a right to their dignity. We strive to honor that dignity in our response to sexual abuse and harm.
We commit to due process and work towards a just response to abuse. We address the wounds caused by sexual abuse in the Church using restorative theory; working to atone for the sin of abuse and any harm that occured from that abuse.
The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has a sincere commitment to protecting our vulnerable from abuse. When those efforts fail, we strive toward transparency in the hope of healing and restoration. There is much work left to do to atone for the heinous sins and crimes committed by those who were entrusted with the sacred care of the vulnerable.