We are a community committed to preventing abuse. Our policies and programs prioritize safety of children and the vulnerable.
We care about survivors of abuse.
Victim Care Advocate: (913) 298-9244
Empowering God’s Children® Safe Environment Program
The personal safety lessons teach children and youth basic skills to be safe from dangerous or abusive situations either in person or online. Using an age-appropriate curriculum, young people are taught to check with a trusted adult first, say no when confronted with an uncomfortable situation and are encouraged to share concerns with a trusted adult.
If you would like to opt your child out of this training, please fill out the form below.
All children under the age of 18 enrolled in Catholic schools or in religious formation programs or parish youth groups participate in age-appropriate awareness training.
Parents who choose to ‘opt out’ of these children’s programs on behalf of their children may obtain the training materials from their parish or schools so they themselves can provide awareness training for their own children.
Office for Protection and Care reviews and approves vendors to ensure personal safety lesson materials used in the archdiocese are current, relevant, and supportive of Catholic teaching.
Parents, educators and others can find out more about key messages children and youth receive in each personal safety program by contacting the local coordinator at your parish or school. The lessons approved by the archdiocese are age-appropriate and respect parents’ role as their children’s primary educators.