RCIA: Rite of Christian initiation of adults

A resource for RCIA/ RICA parish leaders and volunteers to assist you in your efforts of discipling and forming adults in preparation for their entrance to the Church.

PSR - Prayer
Old Catholic cathedall full with people during pray


The Office of Evangelization for Adult and Young Adult Ministry serves in support of priests, parishes and lay leaders by encouraging individual prayer, providing formation for missionary discipleship and sharing best practices of proclaiming the Gospel in the modern world.

Resources to Bring the Kingdom

Revival: Eucharistic Amazement

Put your roots deeper down into the soil of grace with any of our handpicked resources focused on the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

The Enflame Movement

What is your mission? What does it mean to be on mission? We are called to share in this great work of missionary discipleship.

Personal Formation Resources

Drawing from the beautiful tradition of the Catholic Church, expand your knowledge of everything pertaining to our beloved Faith.

Important Dates

Becoming more intentional in mission and action means our individual relationships should reflect the interactions of Jesus.

Helpful Resources

Resources coming soon!

Liturgy Office

The Office for Liturgy and Sacramental Life coordinates and directs the preparation, celebration, and evaluation of the liturgical celebrations of the Archbishop.

Emily Lopez

Director of Adult Evangelization

Here to Serve You

Karla Melgar

Consultant for Evangelization

Lee McMahon

Consultant for Evangelization

Dcn. Dana Nearmyer

Director of Evangelization

Here to Serve You

Feel free to reach out to any of our team members using their contact information below.

Deacon Dana Nearmyer

ArchKCK Director of Evangelization

Deacon Dana Nearmyer heads up the Office of Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. His role is to serve pastors and parish leaders in the area of Evangelization.

Emily Lopez

Lead Consultant for Adult Evangelization

Emily partners with pastors and lay leaders to talk with them about the their parish identity, their vision, their parish’s strengths and weaknesses, and how they see evangelization being improved in their community.

Karla Melgar


Karla is excited to be part of the Evangelization team; to share her experience in collaboration with others and serve as a bridge between English-speaking and Spanish-speaking communities.

Lee McMahon


With an extensive background in media and digital content creation, Lee is looking forward to partnering with pastors and parish leaders to provide them with the tools they need to fulfill the great commission.