We are so blessed in the Archdiocese to have many options for learning NFP and working with qualified NFP-friendly medical professionals. If you would like to be added to one of these lists of resources, please contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life: ldupont@archkck.org.

Expert guidance, personal care

NFP Courses are taught by qualified professionals, and offer personal follow-up until you are confident.

Get to the root of women’s health issues

Irregular cycles? Been told IVF is your only option? Want a provider who sees women’s health holistically? An NFP-friendly provider may be able to help.

Marriage Prep Requirement

NFP has many health and relationship benefits, most which are not widely known. That’s why we think it is so important for engaged couples to have all the facts before entering into marriage.

Don’t go it alone

Like anything that’s worth it, the practice of NFP can be challenging at times. Don’t be afraid to reach out for the help you need.