Catechetical LeadersCatechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)CatechistsParent Resources

The Office of Children’s Catechesis exists to serve:
all archdiocesan parishes with their children’s faith formation needs. Typically this area includes children preschool through eighth grade, although may vary by parish.

I am available to consult via phone, email, Zoom and in person.
The following are a few examples of areas where I can offer assistance:

  • Assist with hiring process:
    job expectations / descriptions
    interview committee
    restructuring of department
  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
  • Catechist Trainings
  • Curriculum Review / Planning
  • Mentoring of new DREs
  • Sacramental Prep
    Retreat ideas/planning
  • Vacation Bible School

    If your parish would like help contact me today!


Pam Riordan
Office of Children’s Catechesis
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
(913) 647-3055

DRE Resources

R.E.D. Talks

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Confirmation Resources 

Key Elements in Vital Catechesis 

National Conference for Catechetical Leaders

Parent Resources

Resources for Inclusive Education

Sacramental Policies and Directives

The Ecclesial Method of Catechesis

Catholic Links

Catholic Mutual’s Leaders Manual- Forms and Regulations 

Religious Education Supplemental Handbook (working draft)

A deeply personal and communal relationship with Jesus Christ and his body, the Church, is the desired outcome for all the youth of the Archdiocese.  We seek to form Catechists and youth leaders that disciple youth into a first generation relationship with the three persons of the Trinity.  We offer certification and enrichment opportunities for Catechists and direct programing like Camp Tekakwitha and the Junior High Youth Rally for elementary and middle school students.  We delight in assisting parishes in developing meaningful and engaging catechetical instruction that kids love and that look forward to.  We see this fruit from the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program and many other excellent parish based programs.  We strongly support parents as the primary and first catechist, and encourage vibrant discipleship within the family and experiencing the Sacraments as a family frequently.  We offer extensive high school programing, opportunities for college age students to receive advanced discipleship training through serving as Camp Tekakwitha summer staff and internships through Prairie Star for college grads.  We look forward to supporting your ministry and journey closer to Christ.