What if you could take a 30-day retreat for your marriage without leaving your life?
You can! This retreat will come to your inbox everyday for a month, and will walk you through the 4th Chapter of Pope Francis’ letter Amoris laetitia, (AKA The Joy of Love.) This retreat is down-to-earth and full of practical insights. Click to register!
NOTE: Emails will arrive at the same time each day as your initial registration. (For instance, if you register at 12 noon, your emails will arrive every day at noon.)
Each day contains a quote from Pope Francis, a short commentary and some ideas for living that concept in your life. Here is a sneak peak at how the meditations are structured:
Some think that they are important because they are more knowledgeable than others; they want to lord it over them. Yet what really makes us important is a love that understands, shows concern, and embraces the weak. (Pope Francis, AL Paragraph 97)
Most couples divide household tasks somewhat by interest and level of expertise. This makes sense. Sometimes, however, we take a mere division of labor and expand it into a bunker mentality. Instead of simply being the one who accomplishes the task, that spouse can slip into becoming the Supreme Authority Over Finances (or lawncare, decorating, children, etc). This is where boastfulness comes in, and where it can become hurtful. As one spouse becomes controlling on a topic, the other becomes irresponsible. Soon the controlling spouse is left to shoulder the burden of the task completely alone. In small things this may not be a big deal, but imagine the pressure of making all the decisions regarding career, children or finances alone. That’s a lot of pressure!
When we fail to be humble in our strengths, we miss out on the valuable input that our spouse’s unique perspective can offer. Plus we are really annoying to live with.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any areas where you are boastful with your spouse. Refrain from offering unsolicited advice in this area, and take care not to make your spouse feel stupid for not understanding as you do.
- Is there an area of the household where your spouse needs to ask permission to be involved? If so, you may be controlling there. Ask for your spouse’s honest opinion and input on decisions in that area.
- If your area of expertise is the faith, be extra careful. Spouses are much more likely won over by prayers, sacrifices and great acts of loving kindness than by theological lectures.