The Vineyard Society
In humble gratitude for the loyal support of the Archbishop’s Call to Share (ACTS) annual appeal, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann is inviting those wishing to continue their support to do so with a final gift in their will, trust, or through a planned gift benefiting ACTS. Those who notify the Archdiocese that they have made this commitment will be recognized as members of The Vineyard Society.
The Vineyard Society is not an endowment fund or an additional ask for current gifts from those who have already made a gift to this year’s ACTS appeal, nor is it an early ask for the 2018 appeal. The purpose of this effort is to encourage those who have shown loyal support of the ACTS to continue this support beyond their lifetimes with a gift in their will or estate plan. Gifts received in response to The Vineyard Society, whether immediate cash gifts or gifts received from wills, trust, or estates, will be applied to the ACTS appeal in the year in which they are received.
There are many ways to share your gifts and experience the abundant joy that comes from bringing others to Christ. Members of the Vineyard Society demonstrate their commitment to a stewardship lifestyle by providing for others, both now and in the future. A commitment of any amount to the Archbishop’s Call to Share appeal at death qualifies you as a member of the Vineyard Society and will enable others to reach out in service of those in need. Please send in this notification form once your gift commitment is complete.
Your gift may be a simple bequest in any amount or percentage through your will, trust or estate plan. The legal title to use is “Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas benefiting the Archbishop’s Call to Share.” It may also be one of many types of gifts, such as an endowment, a charitable gift annuity, or an insurance or retirement plan that designates the Archbishop’s Call to Share appeal as the beneficiary upon your death. This type of giving may bring tax benefits and can simplify your philanthropic interests. You will have the assurance that your gift will be distributed according to your wishes at the time it was received.
The Office of Stewardship and Development welcomes the opportunity to discuss your wishes to continue your generosity beyond your own lifetime. For more information about joining the Vineyard Society or to schedule a visit to learn more, please call (913) 647-0365, or email us at plannedgiving@archkck.org. You are encouraged to consult with your tax professional or estate-planning advisor.