Formation Resources

“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” + Romans 12:2

Formation Resources

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” + Romans 12:2


Parish Planning Resources

Resources for parishes to plan in preparation for the parish year of Eucharistic Revival.

Scripture, Saints, & Magisterium

By no means an exhaustive list of links, books, podcasts and papal documents pertaining to the Eucharist and the Faith to "renew the mind" regarding the most Blessed Sacrament. More resources to come!

Recursos de formación

  1. Bienvenidos al Avivamiento Eucarístico Nacional
    • Jan 27, 2022  El obispo Andrew Cozzens, presidente del Comité de Evangelización y Catequesis, expone la misión y la visión del Renacimiento Eucarístico Nacional que se iniciará oficialmente el domingo del Corpus Christi de 2022.El obispo Andrew Cozzens, presidente del Comité de Evangelización y Catequesis, expone la misión y la visión del Renacimiento Eucarístico Nacional que se iniciará oficialmente el domingo del Corpus Christi de 2022.
  2. La Eucaristía: Sacramento y Sacrificio
    • Este folleto examina el sacramento de la Santísima Eucaristía bajo las perspectivas del sacrificio, la comunión y la escatología, además de ofrecer una bre
  3. ¿Qué es la Eucaristía? del Obispo Robert Barron
    1. Esta herramienta de Word on Fire ofrece videos, artículos, homilías y podcasts gratuitos que profundizan en lo que la Iglesia ha enseñado desde el principio sobre la Eucaristía. O compre el estudio, “Eucaristía: Comida Sagrada, Sacrificio, Presencia Real”, que incluye un DVD, guías para el líder y participantes para un grupo de estudio.
  4.  Los Primeros Cristianos Creían en la Presencia Real
    • Encuentra Formación Católica y ACI Prensa ofrecen una biblioteca en línea explicando las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre la Eucaristía remontándose hasta La Didaché(“La Enseñanza del Señor a las Naciones por medio de los Doce Apóstoles”), que data de 100 D.C. y contiene la oración eucarística más antigua registrada.

Recursos de ACI Prensa

  1. ¿Qué es la Eucaristía?
  2. Significado de la Eucaristía
  3. ¿Cristo presente en la Eucaristía?
  4. Frutos de la Eucaristía
  5. ¿Por qué la Eucaristía es un sacrificio?
  6. ¿Por qué la Eucaristía es un Sacramento?
  7. La Eucaristía en el Catecismo.
  8. La comunión frecuente


  1. Eucharist | Bishop Robert Barron
  2. Encyclopedia: Eucharist | via Catholic Answers (Text & Audio)
    • The Eucharist is the Real Presence of God, Jesus Christ, body and blood, under the appearance of bread and wine. Read more about the Eucharist—what the Real Presence is, the Church’s apologetical defenses of the Eucharist through the ages, and more—in this encyclopedia entry.

Helpful Apps, Podcasts, & Websites

By no means an exhaustive list of links, books, podcasts and papal documents pertaining to the Eucharist and the Faith to "renew the mind" regarding the most Blessed Sacrament. More resources to come!

Formative Books

By no means an exhaustive list of links, books, podcasts and papal documents pertaining to the Eucharist and the Faith to "renew the mind" regarding the most Blessed Sacrament. More resources to come!

*Sorted alphabetically by last name

  1. A’Kempis, Thomas – The Imitation of Christ
  2. Aumann, Jordan – Spiritual Theology
  3. Baur, Benedict – Frequent Confession
  4. Baur, Benedict – In Silence with God
  5. Boylan, Eugene – Difficulties in Mental Prayer
  6. Boylan, Eugene – This Tremendous Lover
  7. Burke, Cormac – Covenanted Happiness
  8. Chautard, Jean-Baptiste – The Soul of the Apostolate
  9. de Caussade, Jean-Pierre – Abandonment to Divine Providence
  10. de Montfort, Louis-Marie – True Devotion to Mary
  11. de Sales, St. Francis – An Introduction to the Devout Life
  12. de Sales, St. Francis – Treatise on the Love of God
  13. Escriva, Jose Maria – Christ is Passing By
  14. Escriva, Jose Maria – Friends of God
  15. Escriva, Jose Maria – The Way, Furrow, The Forge
  16. Escriva, Jose Maria – The Way of the Cross
  17. Faber, Frederick – All for Jesus
  18. Garrigou-Lagrange, Fr. Reginald – Three Ages of Interior Life
  19. Liguori, Alphonso – The Great Means of Salvation and Perfection
  20. Liguori, Alphonso – Uniformity with God’s Will
  21. Louis of Grenada, Venerable – The Sinner’s Guide
  22. Lovasik, Lawrence – The Hidden Power of Kindness
  23. Manzoni, Alessandro – The Betrothed
  24. Martinez, Luis – True Devotion to the Holy Spirit
  25. More, St. Thomas – The Sadness of Christ
  26. Perquin, Bonaventure – Abba Father
  27. Rohrbach, Peter – Conversation with Christ
  28. Scupoli, Lorenzo – Spiritual Combat
  29. Sheed, Frank – Theology and Sanity
  30. Sheed, Frank – Theology for Beginners
  31. Sheed, Frank – To Know Christ Jesus
  32. Sheen, Fulton – Life of Christ
  33. Sheen, Fulton – Three to Get Married
  34. Tanqueray, Adolphe – The Spiritual Life
  35. von Hildebrand, Dietrich – Transformation in Christ
  1. Aquinas, St. Thomas – My Way of Life/Summa Theologica
  2. Augustine, St. – The City of God
  3. Augustine, St. – Confessions
  4. Catherine of Siena, St. – Little Talks with God
  5. Chesterton, G.K. – The Everlasting Man
  6. Chesterton, G.K. – Orthodoxy
    John of the Cross, St. – Dark Night of the Soul
  7. Lewis, C.S. – Mere Christianity
  8. Lewis, C.S. – The Problem of Pain
  9. Lewis, C.S. – The Screwtape Letters
  10. Oursler, Fulton – The Greatest Story Ever Told
  11. Teresa, Bl. Mother – Meditations from a Simple Path
  12. Teresa of Avila, St. – Interior Castle
  13. Teresa of Avila, St. – The Way of Perfection
  14. Therese of Lisieux, St. – Story of a Soul
  1. Chesterton, G.K. – St. Francis of Assisi
  2. Chesterton, G.K. – St. Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox
  3. Day, Dorothy – The Long Loneliness
  4. John XXIII, Pope John – Journal of a Soul 
  5. Merton, Thomas – The Seven Storey Mountain
  6. Muggeridge, Malcolm – Something Beautiful for God
  7. Newman, John Henry – Apologia Pro Vita Sua
  8. Suarez, Federico – Mary of Nazareth
  9. Trochu, F. – The Cure of Ars
  10. Wegemer, Gerard – Thomas More: A Portrait of Courage
  11. Weigel, George – Witness to Hope
  1. Adams, Karl – The Spirit of Catholicism
  2. Bouyer, Louis – Spirit and Forms of Protestantism
  3. Catholic Church – Catechism of the Catholic Church
  4. Guardini, Romano – The End of the Modern World
  5. Guardini, Romano – The Lord
  6. Hahn, Scott – Rome Sweet Home
  7. Kreeft, Peter – Christianity for Modern Pagans
  8. Newman, John Henry – Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine
  9. Newman, John Henry – Parochial and Plain Sermons
  10. Ott, Ludwig – Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
  11. Pieper, Josef – The Four Cardinal Virtues
  1. Alighieri, Dante – The Divine Comedy
  2. Benson, Robert Hugh – Lord of the World
  3. Bernanos, George – The Diary of a Country Priest
  4. de Cervantes, Miguel – Don Quixote
  5. Eliot, T.S. – Christianity and Culture
  6. Endo, Shusaku – Silence
  7. Hopkins, Gerard Manley – Poems and Prose
  8. Newman, John Henry – The Idea of a University
  9. O’Conner, Flannery – The Complete Stories
  10. Percy, Walker – Lost in the Cosmos
  11. Percy, Walker – Love in the Ruins
  12. Sienkiewicz, Henryk – Quo Vadis
  13. Tolkien, J.R.R. – The Lord of the Rings
  14. Undset, Sigrid – Kristin Lavransdatter I: The Bridal Wreath
  15. Undset, Sigrid – Kristin Lavransdatter II : The Wife
  16. Undset, Sigrid – Kristin Lavransdatter III: The Cross
  17. Waugh, Evelyn – Brideshead Revisited
  1. Belloc, Hilaire – The Great Heresies
  2. Belloc, Hilaire – How The Reformation Happened
  3. Belloc, Hilaire – Survivals and New Arrivals
  4. Carroll, Warren – Christendom I: Founding of Christendom
  5. Carroll, Warren – Christendom II: The Building of Christendom
  6. Carroll, Warren – Christendom III: The Glory of Christendom
  7. Carroll, Warren – Christendom IV: The Cleaving of Christendom
  8. Crocker III, H.W. – Triumph
    Dawson, Christopher – Christianity and European Culture
  9. Knox, Ronald – Enthusiasm
  10. Leclercq, Jean – Love of Learning and the Desire for God
  11. Walsh, William – Our Lady of Fatima

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Not seeing a certain kind of resource or have a question? What are we missing? Let us know below:

Here to serve you

Deacon Dana Nearmyer

ArchKCK Director of Evangelization

Deacon Dana Nearmyer heads up the Office of Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. His role is to serve pastors and parish leaders in the area of Evangelization.

Emily Lopez

Lead Consultant for Adult Evangelization

Emily partners with pastors and lay leaders to talk with them about their parish identity, their vision, their parish’s strengths and weaknesses, and how they see evangelization being improved in their community.

Karla Melgar


Karla is excited to be part of the Evangelization team; to share her experience in collaboration with others and serve as a bridge between English-speaking and Spanish-speaking communities.

Lee McMahon


With an extensive background in media and digital content creation, Lee is looking forward to partnering with pastors and parish leaders to provide them with the tools they need to fulfill the great commission.

Emily Lopez
Director of Adult Evangelization

Here to serve you

Karla Melgar
Consultant for Evangelization

Lee McMahon
Consultant for Evangelization

Dcn. Dana Nearmyer
Director of Evangelization