Over 60,000 pilgrims attended the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis and were sent on a mission to spread the good news about the unfathomable gift offered by our Lord at each mass. This mission, named Walk With One, has four simple steps: ask God to reveal whom to accompany, offer prayers of intercession, be a friend and share your story, and invite the person to concrete next steps and remain in a relationship with them. The ultimate mission is to bring people to Jesus in the Eucharist, starting with prayer and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead.



The Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis is an event where over 60,000 pilgrims gather to celebrate and spread the good news about the unfathomable gift offered by our Lord at each and every mass.

The mission of every Catholic is to spread God’s love and be nourishment for the world after being fed the body and blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord and Savior at mass.

The four steps of the mission are:
1) Ask God to reveal whom you are called to accompany.
2) Offer prayers of intercession for that person.
3) Be a friend.
4) Invite the person to a concrete next step toward an encounter with Jesus.

To discern whom you are called to accompany, you should begin humbly in prayer and ask God to help you.

To be a friend to the person you are accompanying, you should love sacrificially, listen with empathy, offer up their concerns in prayer, and be willing to share your own story and witness of encountering Jesus.

The purpose of the Eucharistic Congress is to bring people closer to Jesus in the Eucharist and change the eternal destiny of all mankind.