– posted October 17, 2013

Ron DeHaas, the president of, has hired two well-known Catholic leaders, Ryan Foley and Matt Fradd, to help protect thousands of Catholic families with their internet accountability and filtering software.  Covenant Eyes recently released a parent workshop kit called UNFILTERED: Equipping Parents for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography.

Here is a 1-page Flyer for the UNFILTERED kit.  The workshop is designed to work in many different settings, such as small groups in homes or larger groups of parents in churches, parishes, or schools. The UNFILTERED kit contains a Parent Workshop DVD, and Workshop Guide, and a Parent Guide.  The DVD kit features Dr. Peter Kleponis, Damon Owens, Matt Fradd, Ron DeHaas, and Ryan Foley. In one session, parents will learn:

  • Statistics and effects of pornography use and exposure
  • How to use parental controls effectively
  • The difference between blocking and discussing Internet use
  • Simple parenting techniques to keep up with kids’ activities online
  • How to have healthy and God-centered conversations about sexual temptations and what we see and do online

The kits were ordered in bulk and are available to schools, parishes, and families in our Archdiocese for a discounted rate.  Call Sam Meier at 913-647-0378 if you would like to order a copy, and God bless!