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Part Two
Part Three
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All Videos
Part Two
Part Three
What is liturgy?
Part Two
What happens to us when we celebrate liturgy?
Part Two
Why is faith in Jesus Christ not enough? Why does God give us the Sacraments, too?
Part Two
If a Sacrament is administered by someone who is unworthy, does it fail to have its effect?
Part Two
Who celebrates the liturgy?
Part Two
Why are there so many signs and symbols in the liturgies?
Part Two
How does the liturgy affect time?
Part Two
Why does liturgy repeat itself every year?
Part Two
How important is Sunday?
Part Two
What is a Christian house of prayer?
Part Two
What liturgical spaces define a house of prayer?
Part Two
Can the Church also change and renew the liturgy?
Part Two
What is Baptism?
Part Two
Is Baptism in fact the only way to salvation?
Part Two
Why should Christians choose the names of saints at Baptism?
Part Two
What is Confirmation?
Part Two
Who can be confirmed and what is required of a candidate for Confirmation?
Part Two
What is the Holy Eucharist?
Part Two
How important is the Eucharist for the Church?
Part Two
How is the Mass structured?
Part Two
What happens in the Church when she celebrates the Eucharist?
Part Two
How often must a Catholic Christian participate in the celebration of the Eucharist?
Part Two
May the Eucharist be administered to non-Catholics Christians also?
Part Two
We have Baptism, why do we need a special Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Part Two
Who can forgive sins?
Part Two
What sins must be confessed?
Part Two
May a priest later repeat something he has learned in confession?
Part Two
Why does Jesus show so much interest in the sick?
Part Two
How does Anointing of the Sick work?
Part Two
What happens in Holy Orders?
Part Two
How important for a Catholic Christian is his bishop? (Q 251-253)
Part Two
What happens in priestly ordination? (Q 254-255)
Part Two
Is it demeaning to women that only men can receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders? (Q 256-257)
Part Two
Why does the Church require priests and bishops to lead a celibate life? (Q 258-259)
Part Two
How does the Sacrament of Matrimony come about? (Q 260-261)
Part Two
Why is marriage indissoluble? (Q 263-265)
Part Two
Can a Catholic Christian marry someone from a different religion?
Part Two
What is the Church's stance on people who are divorced and remarried? (Q 269-271)
Part Two
What is the purpose of a pilgrimage? (Q 274-276)
Part Two
What are Stations of the Cross? (Q 277-278)
Part Two
Why are priests the only ones who can forgive sins? (Q 234-236)
Part Two
Does the Church still practice exorcism? (Q 272-273)
Part Two
What is necessary for a Christian, sacramental marriage? (Q 262)
Part Two
Why do we yearn for happiness? (Q 279-282)
Part Three
Is man responsible for everything he does? (Q 288-290)
Part Three
What are the three supernatural virtues? (Q 305-306)
Part Three
What is freedom and what is it for? (Q 286-287)
Part Three
May we do something bad so that good will result from it? (Q 291-292)
Part Three
What is conscience? (Q 295-298)
Part Three
What is meant by a "virtue"? (Q 299)
Part Three
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