FAQ Real Estate & Construction
Expenditures under $25,000 can be signed at the Parish level. Capital improvements and repairs over $25,000 require a signature from The Archdiocese. Since the Archdiocese is a Non-profit corporation a signature from an officer of the corporation required.
Usually our properties are Tax Exempt. IF your parish is getting assessed property taxes contact Dan Himmelberg dhimmelberg@archkck.org or our General Counsel, Chris Arth carth@archkck.org to see if they can be appealed.
Yes if the amount is under $25,000 but it is still a good idea to contact Dan
A proposal IS NOT a Contract, we require a contract for all Subcontractors, Contractors and Real
Estate agents.
Technically ALL property is owned by the Archdiocese, we need to oversee and be made away and approve modifications to Archdiocese Properties.
They are not officers of the corporation
Contact Dan Himmelberg dhimmelberg@archkck.org
Not all projects require the services. Architects will help plan, estimate and develop master plans; Large scale building projects, $500,000 require Sealed architectural or engineering plans. We can help with names of qualified firms to contact.
YES sometimes this is the answer to a specific project can be constructed and managed by your parish. When you start getting 3 or 4 or more subs it’s a lot to manage and there is potential for gaps in Scope, so a general contractor or profession project manager is your best option. Give Dan a a call and discuss your project.
Contrary to the myth the Archdiocese does not have an APPROVED list of contractors. We have relationships and experience with many types of subs and contractor in the area and can help you with a list to contact with your specific project type or region in the archdiocese. Contact Dan Himmelberg dhimmelberg@archkck.org
Yes. It starts with a letter to the Archbishop describing What you want to do, Why you need to do it, How much you estimate it to cost, and h ow you plan to pay for it.
The Burgundy Binder WAS the hard copy document that was developed to help with the building process and guidelines. (Which used to be bound and distributed in burgundy colored 3-ring binders)., NOW have an electronic version of the these procedures and guidelines.
No This services and many more are provided and supported by the Cathedratic
The ADA has been around for over 30 years. It is commonly thought that churches do not have to meet these requirements. We no longer have the option to not accommodate people. We need to strive to make all our facility’s assessable to everyone. Contact Dan Himmelberg dhimmelberg@archkck.org for help.
The quick answer is you need to be able to show you have 50% in cash and pledges to start or get a loan for a new project. Direct Link to the Loan application in the guidelines.
Yes, you may qualify for a loan from the archdiocese and at a rate better than most banks.
YES Always and we have a simple step by step process.
We do have many towers and equipment on Archdiocesan properties and most create added revenue for the Parish. All proposal and contracts will need to be reviewed by the Archdiocese. Contact Dan Himmelberg dhimmelberg@archkck.org
YES you can, but the land needs to be deeded and registered to the Archdiocese first before you can sell it. Dan Himmelberg dhimmelberg@archkck.org or our General Counsel, Chris Arth carth@archkck.org
NOT DAN! HE’s not the Maintenance man. Ha ha, often times these things require professionals to react quickly and with field expertise and special equipment.