Thursday, March 3, 2022
The season of Lent, the Church’s great retreat, invites us to slow down and turn our attention to God. It provides us with a perfect opportunity to invite Jesus into our lives to heal us from the inside out. Please join us Thursday, March 3rd for a Lenten Day of Reflection with Fr. Joel Haug. We will focus on the healing power Jesus offers to heal our mind, body and soul.
All catechetical leaders are welcome – D/CREs, Youth Ministers, CGS Directors, Confirmation Directors and anyone else in parish ministry. Feel free to invite your catechists, core team members, co-workers or even your spouse. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly for food and materials. This event is FREE of charge.
This one day event will be filled with praise, worship, prayer, lectures, confession, Adoration and Mass.
9:30 am to 2: 45 pm at Sacred Heart Parish in Shawnee.