U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Dobbs Ushers in a New Abortion Landscape
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Dobbs Ushers in a New Abortion Landscape
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Dobbs Ushers in a New Abortion Landscape
“This is a very important moment for Kansas. If we fail to defend the weakest and most vulnerable in our society, then there is very little hope that our country will respect other vulnerable lives.
Together, we can defeat the ‘culture of death’ and build a ‘culture of life. ‘Together, we can make a difference and renew our society so that every human life will be cherished and loved. I want to do all that I can to make Kansas a destination state for life!”
“We must find a way as a culture to protect all human life, especially children. We pray for the children and adults who died, for their eternal life, and for consolation and comfort for their spouses, parents, siblings and all those who mourn their passing.”
Value Them Both Tailgate and Rosary Rally, Sunday June 5th starting at 4pm.