Meet Seminarian
Hi everyone! My name is Andrew and I am a seminarian for the Archdiocese of of Kansas City in Kansas!
After graduating from Chatfield High in Littleton, CO, I started my studies for the priesthood at Washburn & Holy Apostles College Seminary before moving to St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, CO where I am currently in Theology II. Please pray for me as I do so for you!
Hi everyone! My name is Andrew and I am a seminarian for the Archdiocese of of Kansas City in Kansas!
After graduating from Chatfield High in Littleton, CO, I started my studies for the priesthood at Washburn & Holy Apostles College Seminary before moving to St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, CO where I am currently in Theology II. Please pray for me as I do so for you!
"I want to be a priest to lead others to an encounter with Jesus Christ. It is a great wonder and mystery that the God who holds the whole created world in his hand humbles himself and brings heaven to earth at the words of a priest. I wish to be a miracle worker and there are no greater miracles than what takes place on the altar and in the confessional. "
+ Benjamin Reinhart
August 21st
St. Philomena, St. Padre Pio, St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Anthony of the Desert, and St. Francis De Sales
I would advise any man considering the priesthood to get a spiritual director, begin praying the rosary everyday, consecrate your discernment to Our Lady, and begin Eucharistic adoration. I believe a priest’s life flows from the altar and leads back to it. Getting to know the Eucharistic Lord and encountering God on an experiential level is huge. “Duc in Altum” put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. Do not be afraid, if you there is a holy desire in your heart it is because God put it there. There is a prayer that sums up the essence of the life of a priest by Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire, “To live in the midst of the world with no desire for its pleasures; to be a member of every family, yet belonging to none; to share all sufferings; to penetrate all secrets, to heal all wounds; to daily go from men to God to offer Him their homage and petitions; to return from God to men to bring them His pardon and hope; to have a heart of fire for charity and a heart of bronze for chastity; to bless and to be blest forever. O God, what a life, and it is yours, O Priest of Jesus Christ!”
I enjoy travelling, writing, weightlifting, reading spiritual books, reading the lives of the saints, spending time with family, building community, volunteering/works of charity, street ministry, and evangelization.
I have been so blessed in my journey to have encountered priests who have inspired me to give me of myself. I have had several spiritual directors in my life that have set me on the path to my vocation. When I was beset with doubts they brought the light of clarity. When I struggled to hear God’s voice they helped me recognize him. My pastor, Father Peter Jaramillo has been a great model of a priest who continues to give and give, who has shown me how to be not only a priest but also a victim after our model, Jesus Christ. Father Dennis Wait has been there for me since I moved back to Kansas City eight years ago. He is the example of the good shepherd who showed me how to listen. His advice and encouragement kept me on the path when difficulties arose. Father Steve Hansen showed me how to bring order to a cluttered spiritual life which brought clarity and peace. Father John Melnick showed me how to preach. He was amazing and I was privileged to listen to his homilies for several years. Finally, the examples of my patron saints have given me the courage to respond to my vocation. They give me the example of heroic virtue to be imitated. It was St. Ignatius of Loyola who read the lives of the saints and who thought that if they could, why not me too. Why not all of us?