It’s that time of year again to gather as men – especially as fathers + sons / grandfathers + grandsons – for the annual Master’s Cup Invitational at Iron Horse Golf Club in Leawood, KS. Attended by more than 200 people last year, The Master’s Cup is a one-of-a-kind event designed to gather around golf, a meal (Kansas City BBQ), and the Master Himself (Jesus Christ) to discover anew how He is inviting YOU to follow Him.
Striving to fill the room with as many young men as possible, last year middle school, high school, and college age discerners took advantage of the opportunity to play golf alongside our seminarians and priests, giving them the unique opportunity to learn more about the calling while also getting to interact in a more informal and personal way. Following nine holes of golf, the number of young men reached 100 to fill the clubhouse for the BBQ luncheon, where all were inspired by our guest speaker. This year, we are excited to welcome Fr. Burke Masters to share his story. A priest of the Diocese of Joliet, IL, and chaplain for the Chicago Cubs, all who attend will be amazed at how his passion for baseball and journey to the Major Leagues ultimately led him to hitting A GRAND SLAM FOR GOD!
Sponsorships help to make The Master’s Cup FREE for all discerners, while all net proceeds support the Heart-to-Heart Scholarship Fund. Through the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas (CFNEK), this scholarship fund helps to ease the financial burdens that come with being a college seminarian, as well as for young women and men entering religious life in and/or from our Archdiocese.
Thanks to the generous support of people just like you, The Master’s Cup continues to be a tremendous success. Not only does this event achieve the goal of reaching and attracting a host of young men who otherwise might never consider the calling, the net proceeds bring us one step closer to creating an endowment large enough to continue to help offset the financial burden that often proves prohibitive to a young man or woman being able to respond both generously and immediately to their vocational call.
This year The Master’s Cup will be held on TBD at Ironhorse Golf Club in Leawood, KS. Shotgun start at 8:30 am, with lunch and program beginning at 11:30 am. We are planning for another great event, but need the generosity and prayers of people like you to make it a success. Whether you want to attend the event as a participant or simply make a financial donation, sign up by choosing one of the options below. The deadline for registration to attend is Sunday, July 14.