Children who come to foster care

Every child is a precious, unique gift from God who deserves a loving family and a stable home life.  Sadly, each day in Kansas, children are removed from their homes by no fault of their own for a variety of reasons.  Often these children — from babies to teens — have been separated from their parents because they are unsafe, abused or neglected or their parents are unable to care for them.  Sometimes kids just need a safe place to live while the adults in their life work through a temporary, difficult situation. These Children come to foster care from all walks of life, all socio-economic groups, and from every community. Many have experienced trauma and are frightened, confused, and lonely.

The Church is the solution!

Because care of the orphan and the works of mercy are part of the mission for all baptized Catholics, we have the grace needed to meet this challenge.  If only 2% of Catholics opened their homes to foster for even a short period of time and 5% volunteered in some way to help these kids and their families, we can help these children and the families who care for them THRIVE!  Answering this call is part of the Gospel mandate to go forth as missionary disciples, doing the will of God the Father.  We are the hands and feet and HOMES for God’s protective care for all His children.

Archbishop Naumann’s radio show about foster care

Archbishop Naumann dialogues with two members of his new Foster Care Taskforce: Heather Roberts of Catholic Charities and Susie Boster, a foster care respite provider.  They discuss the need for more foster families along with the joys and challenges of fostering, and call upon Catholics to consider becoming foster parents and/or supporting those who do.  Naumann shares: “Part of the mission of the Church is to make the love of Christ real and tangible in the world, wherever it is needed.”

“Whoever receives a little child such as this in my name receives me.” Mark 9:37

Kansas Foster Care Statistics 2019 from KS DCF

  • 7484 kids in foster care in Kansas each with a heart, a soul and a name
  • Approximately 2000 foster homes in Kansas; 596 foster homes in Douglas, Wyandotte & Johnson Counties
  • 296 kids removed from homes in Johnson County.  Averages to 25 per month
  • 1353 children living in group homes in Douglas, Wyandotte & Johnson Counties
  • 5-10 children per night in Johnson & Wyandotte Counties are doing one-night placements while a long-term foster family is located
  • Nationally, upon aging out of foster care without a family
      • 1/3 of youth will become homeless
      • 1/5 will become incarcerated
      • a large percentage will become victims of child trafficking.
  • Ages of Children needing placement in KS:
        • 4% < 1 year
        • 30% 1-5 years
        • 20% 6-10 years
        • 24% 11-15 years
        • 21% 16-18 years
        • < 1% 19+
  • 60% (4490) of children in foster care have a goal of reunification with their families.  32% (2394) have a goal of adoption.
  • Over half of foster parents/families quit within the first year