How Your Parish Can Help

The Church is the solution to the foster care crisis in our country! Caring for the orphan is a demand of the Gospel. We must open our hearts to see these vulnerable children as our children. Our parish communities can live the corporal works of mercy through foster care – Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Shelter the Homeless, Give Alms to the Poor — by raising up more loving foster families and increasing our support to them. Even if you are not able to foster at this time, there are many other ways to help!

"Our parishes are called to be islands of mercy in a sea of indifference."

+ Pope Francis

1. Form a Parish Foster Ministry

Talk to your priest about starting a new Foster Care Ministry or if foster care should fall under an existing Pro-Life, Social Justice, or Marriage & Family ministry at your parish. Your parish likely already has several families who are fostering. Find out who they are and consider gathering them for an appreciation event or a blessing by your priest. Utilize the following resources to help educate and raise awareness on foster care in your parish.

3. Create "Care Communities" for Your Foster Families

Becoming a foster family for vulnerable children is an act of selfless love. It is a very rewarding experience but it can be challenging at times too. Unfortunately, more than 50% of foster parents quit within their first year of service. “Wrapping around” foster families and providing them with emotional, spiritual, material, and day-to-day support can make all the difference for them to continue fostering and therefore maintain stability for the child they are helping. Support can include bringing meals for the family, helping with household chores or errands, praying together, or providing respite care.

Joy Meadows is an organization that will train your ministry leaders to develop Care Communities for foster families in your community. States that follow the Fostering Joy model have seen a 96% foster family retention rate!

5. Provide a Respite Ministry at Your Parish

“Drink for the Thirsty” — Foster parents need an opportunity to take a break or a night out. Respite evenings provide an opportunity for the parish to support these parents. Click on link for “Hosting Respite Nights for Foster Families” for planning, suggestions, and best practice ideas.

6. Host a Foster Fair

Raise awareness of the foster care situation in Kansas and the need for more foster families. Share statistics and play Archbishop Naumann’s video shown here. Contact the Pro-Life Office for suggested speakers. Invite representatives from a foster agency, CarePortal, Fostering Joy, YouTHRIVE, Safe Families, and area Respite Program leaders to share their programs with parishioners.

7. Host a Supply Drive

*While we share the common concern of all these agencies to help kids in difficult circumstances by providing safe and supportive home environments, we recognize that some of these secular organizations may not fully share in our Catholic values and vision of the human person.  In order to help kids in crisis by providing the best possible home environments, we refer prospective foster parents to agencies the State of Kanas has certified. Referral should not be construed to be an endorsement. We are not responsible for all the actions and policies  of the community organizations mentioned on this website, but we are happy to post them as available resources.


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