ArchKCK Youth Ministry

Professional Resources for Youth Ministry

Trip Budget Template

Youth Ministry Trip Budget Template

Make your job easier

Planning a trip or retreat for your youth group can be a rewarding experience, but staying on budget is crucial. To help youth ministers organize their finances effectively, here’s a simple budget template.

Start by listing all anticipated expenses, such as transportation, accommodation, meals, activities, and materials. Under each category, break down specific costs, like fuel or bus rental, hotel or campsite fees, and daily meal allowances. Don’t forget to include a contingency fund for unexpected expenses. Then, outline your income sources, including participant fees, fundraising, and donations.

Finally, subtract your total expenses from your total income to ensure a balanced budget.

By using this template, youth ministers can keep financial stress at bay and focus on creating an enriching and memorable retreat experience for their group.

ArchKCK Youth Office

123 Main Street New York, NY 10001
(123) 456-7890

Web Design by Lee McMahon