Thank you for journeying with us as we cast a vision for a new approach to parish pro-life ministry. through a new apostolate called Missionary Disciples for Life. This “Launch Event” will serve as a day of discovery to pray together, share the context and need for a new apostolate, cast the vision, and discuss the plan amongst the three potential pilot parishes. A continental breakfast and beverages will be served.
The ultimate goal of Spiritual Formation is a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His bride the Church.
To help grow this relationship and encourage authentic Catholic living, the Chapter’s Spiritual Director can recommend a particular spiritual exercise or commitment such as: daily Rosary and time with scripture, regular daily mass attendance, weekly holy hours, consecration to Mary or St. Joseph, etc.
To come to know and better understand the Gospel of Life and the Church’s teachings on life issues, members will study important Church documents such as Evangelium Vitae, Humane Vitae, the Catechism, and other Papal Letters.
Formation will consist of both home study and presentations and discussions during the monthly MD4Lchapter meetings.
The truth about many culturally relevant life issues is being blocked and distorted by the media, yet the media is where many Catholics currently receive their knowledge on many important topics.
Parish Chapters are encouraged to host a minimum of six educational opportunities a year where members and parishioners will be invited to listen to presentations on culturally relevant life issues by well formed, Catholic experts in the field (Physicians, Counselors, Bioethicists, Lawyers, etc.) Each member, thus equipped, is then empowered to enter the world sharing the truth in a way that is compassionate, caring and knowledgeable.
Parish Chapters will choose life topics most relevant to the needs of their community.
A list of qualified presenters will be provided through the Archdiocesan Leadership Committee. Parish chapters are welcome to submit names for consideration to be added to the presenters list.
Missionary Disciples are called to be an active community of prayer and action, reflecting the love of Jesus through concrete acts of love and mercy for our neighbors.
Missionary Disciples for Life go on mission, spreading the Gospel of Life, not to distant locations, but by serving those who may not know Jesus or who are in need, living within our parish boundary.
In order to do this, Missionary Disciples for Life, must know and understand their parish and surrounding community (within their boundaries – not only Catholics) so that they can determine the most common and serious life “pain points” of their community, and then create plans to serve those “pain points” withing the MD4Life ministry/ies or better promote an existing ministry/ies that addresses that issue.
Missionary Disciples for Life parish chapters will complete the “Communal Discernment Process for Assessing Parish Community Pain Point & Ministry Efforts,” and discern the 1-2 life-affirming parish-based ministries to focus on and enhance.
MD4L can also collaborate with other organizations and ministries serving in the parish as well as community organizations to build networks of care.
Going into the community carrying the Gospel of Life message, we become proactive and missionary. Outreach is a form of invitation. When done authentically and consistently, outreach can move hearts to Jesus.
MD4L Outreach Team will help invite parishioners and community members to both educational presentations and promote ministry services and events to parishioners and all members within the parish boundary using various means such as:
Possibly leave postcards pre-printed and postaged for the church that can be mailed back after the visit. Include a place to share email signup for monthly newsletter.
1. Communal “Pain-Point” Discernment Process (resource coming soon)
2. Sent Evangelization ( “provides Catholic (leaders) with the method and tools to reach all the souls living within their parish boundaries (Christus Dominus no. 30.1). And does so by equipping parishioners with a neighborhood evangelization method, based on baptismal identity and focused on charity.
Missionary Disciples for Life is looking for parishes that will say “yes” to actively living in witness to the Gospel of Life and to forming a local chapter. See below for an explanation of roles:
12615 Parallel Parkway
Kansas City, Kansas 66109
(913) 721-1570