The key to a successful youth ministry calendar is maintaining balance and consistency. Consistency means holding weekly meetings rather than bi-weekly or monthly, as successful programs consistently show that weekly gatherings are essential for building a strong, lasting ministry. While the baseline provided can help you get started, it’s important to tailor your calendar to fit your specific schedule and the needs of your parish. This personalized approach will ensure your youth ministry thrives.
Step 1: Start with a Blank Calendar and Pencil
Begin by visualizing the entire year on paper. This initial step makes it easier to plan comprehensively. You can transfer to a digital format later, but for now, use paper.
Step 2: Schedule Foundational Ministry and Events
First, plan the foundational events such as high school nights, junior high, and Confirmation nights. You don’t need to decide on the curriculum yet; just mark the dates. For example, if High School nights are on Sundays, write “High School” on every Sunday from kickoff until the summer schedule begins. Do the same for Junior High Nights. Exclude dates like the weeks around Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Super Bowl Sunday, when gatherings are typically not held.
If you are looking for assistance on creating your annual calendar for youth ministry, feel free to reach out the youth office! We’d love to meet up with you.
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